Contact Doping of Silicon Wafers and Nanostructures with Phosphine Oxide Monolayers
Journal Article
Hazut, O., Agarwala, A., Amit, I., Subramani, T., Zaidiner, S., Rosenwaks, Y., & Yerushalmi, R. (2012). Contact Doping of Silicon Wafers and Nanostructures with Phosphine Oxide Monolayers. ACS Nano, 6(11), 10311-10318
All Outputs (182)
Max-Max Relay Selection for Relays with Buffers (2012)
Journal Article
Ikhlef, A., Michalopoulos, D., & Schober, R. (2012). Max-Max Relay Selection for Relays with Buffers. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 11(3), 1124-1135.
A two-dimensional Isogeometric Boundary Element Method for elastostatic analysis. (2012)
Journal Article
Simpson, R., Bordas, S., Trevelyan, J., & Rabczuk, T. (2012). A two-dimensional Isogeometric Boundary Element Method for elastostatic analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 209-212, 87-100.
The feasibility of the sustainable energy supply from bio wastes for a small scale brewery - A case study (2012)
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Sturm, B., Butcher, M., Wang, Y., Huang, Y., & Roskilly, T. (2012). The feasibility of the sustainable energy supply from bio wastes for a small scale brewery - A case study. Applied Thermal Engineering, 39, 45-52.
An a posteriori error estimator for hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for computing band gaps in photonic crystals (2012)
Journal Article
Giani, S. (2012). An a posteriori error estimator for hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for computing band gaps in photonic crystals. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236(18), 4810-4826. this paper we propose and analyze an hp-adaptive discontinuous finite element method for computing the band structure of 2D periodic photonic crystals. The spectrum of a 2D photonic crystal is approximated by computing the discrete spectrum of mem... Read More about An a posteriori error estimator for hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for computing band gaps in photonic crystals.
An Iterative Adaptive Finite Element Method for Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems. (2012)
Journal Article
Solin, P., & Giani, S. (2012). An Iterative Adaptive Finite Element Method for Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236(18), 4582-4599. consider the task of resolving accurately the nth eigenpair of a generalized eigenproblem rooted in some elliptic partial differential equation (PDE), using an adaptive finite element method (FEM). Conventional adaptive FEM algorithms call a gener... Read More about An Iterative Adaptive Finite Element Method for Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems..
Fracture modelling using meshless methods and level sets in 3D: framework and modelling (2012)
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Zhuang, X., Augarde, C., & Mathiesen, K. (2012). Fracture modelling using meshless methods and level sets in 3D: framework and modelling. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 92(11), 969-998.
Terahertz Plasmonic Structures (2012)
Book Chapter
Baragwanath, A., Gallant, A., & Chamberlain, J. (2012). Terahertz Plasmonic Structures. In Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging.
Investigating the impacts of climate change on slopes: field measurements (2012)
Book Chapter
Toll, D., Mendes, J., Gallipoli, D., Glendinning, S., & Hughes, P. (2012). Investigating the impacts of climate change on slopes: field measurements. In T. Radford (Ed.), EARTHWORKS IN EUROPE (151-161).
Pentacene-based metal-insulator-semiconductor memory structures utilizing single walled carbon nanotubes as a nanofloating gate (2012)
Journal Article
Sleiman, A., Rosamond, M., Alba Martin, M., Ayesh, A., Al Ghaferi, A., Gallant, A., …Zeze, D. (2012). Pentacene-based metal-insulator-semiconductor memory structures utilizing single walled carbon nanotubes as a nanofloating gate. Applied Physics Letters, 100(2), Article 023302.
An in-Plane Cantilever for Wall Shear Stress Measurement (2012)
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Allen, N., Sims-Williams, D., & Wood, D. (2012). An in-Plane Cantilever for Wall Shear Stress Measurement. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 22(7), Article 074007.
Numerical modelling of sediment transport in the Nador lagoon (Morocco) (2012)
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Benkhaldoun, F., Daoudi, S., Elmahi, I., & Seaid, M. (2012). Numerical modelling of sediment transport in the Nador lagoon (Morocco). Applied Numerical Mathematics, 62(12), 1749-1766.
A conjugate gradient algorithm for solving the Galerkin-characteristic approximation of interfacial flows. (2012)
Journal Article
El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2012). A conjugate gradient algorithm for solving the Galerkin-characteristic approximation of interfacial flows. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 62(9), 1197-1214.
Improved memory behaviour of single-walled carbon nanotube charge storage nodes (2012)
Journal Article
Alba-Martin, M., Firmager, T., Atherton, J., Rosamond, M., Ashall, D., Al, G. A., …Zeze, D. (2012). Improved memory behaviour of single-walled carbon nanotube charge storage nodes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45(29), Article 295401.
A flux-limiter method for dam-break flows over erodible sediment beds. (2012)
Journal Article
Benkhaldoun, B., Sari, S., & Seaid, M. (2012). A flux-limiter method for dam-break flows over erodible sediment beds. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36(10), 4847-4861.
Offshore Wind Turbines- Reliability, Availability & Maintenance (2012)
Tavner, P. (2012). Offshore Wind Turbines- Reliability, Availability & Maintenance. Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Formation and evolution of water menisci in unsaturated granular media (2012)
Journal Article
Lourenco, S., Gallipoli, D., Augarde, C., Toll, D., Fisher, P., & Congreve, A. (2012). Formation and evolution of water menisci in unsaturated granular media. Géotechnique, 62(3), 193-199.
Excitation mechanisms and dispersion characteristics of guided waves in multilayered cylindrical solid media. (2012)
Journal Article
Cui, H., Zhang, B., Johnstone, S., & Trevelyan, J. (2012). Excitation mechanisms and dispersion characteristics of guided waves in multilayered cylindrical solid media. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131(3), 2048-2062.
Hybrid Electrical Storage and Power System for Household Tri-Generation Application (2012)
Journal Article
Chen, X., Wang, Y., Li, J., & Roskilly, A. (2012). Hybrid Electrical Storage and Power System for Household Tri-Generation Application. Advanced Materials Research, 614-615, 829-836. a crucial constituent in tri-generation application, electric energy storage and power system plays an important role regarding efficient utilization of electrical energy in tri-generation. This paper presents the results showing that the optimiza... Read More about Hybrid Electrical Storage and Power System for Household Tri-Generation Application.
Earth building: History, science and conservation (2012)
Jaquin, P., & Augarde, C. (2012). Earth building: History, science and conservation. BREPress