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All Outputs (6)

The Raspberry Pi auto-aligner: Machine learning for automated alignment of laser beams (2021)
Journal Article
Mathew, R. S., O’Donnell, R., Pizzey, D., & Hughes, I. G. (2021). The Raspberry Pi auto-aligner: Machine learning for automated alignment of laser beams. Review of Scientific Instruments, 92(1), Article 015117.

We present a novel solution to automated beam alignment optimization. This device is based on a Raspberry Pi computer, stepper motors, commercial optomechanics and electronic devices, and the open-source machine learning algorithm M-LOOP. We provide... Read More about The Raspberry Pi auto-aligner: Machine learning for automated alignment of laser beams.

Atomic line vs. lens cavity filters: A comparison of their merits (2020)
Journal Article
Higgins, C. R., Pizzey, D., Mathew, R. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2020). Atomic line vs. lens cavity filters: A comparison of their merits. OSA continuum, 3(4), 961-970.

We present a comparison between lens cavity filters and atomic line filters, discussing their relative merits for applications in quantum optics. We describe the design, characterization, and stabilization procedure of a lens cavity filter, which con... Read More about Atomic line vs. lens cavity filters: A comparison of their merits.

Simultaneous two-photon resonant optical laser locking (STROLLing) in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime (2018)
Journal Article
Mathew, R. S., Ponciano-Ojeda, F., Keaveney, J., Whiting, D., & Hughes, I. (2018). Simultaneous two-photon resonant optical laser locking (STROLLing) in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime. Optics Letters, 43(17), 4204-4207.

We demonstrate a technique to lock simultaneously two laser frequencies to each step of a two-photon transition in the presence of a magnetic field sufficiently large to gain access to the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime. A ladder configuration with th... Read More about Simultaneous two-photon resonant optical laser locking (STROLLing) in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime.

Four-wave mixing in a non-degenerate four-level diamond configuration in the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime (2017)
Journal Article
Whiting, D. J., Mathew, R. S., Keaveney, J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2018). Four-wave mixing in a non-degenerate four-level diamond configuration in the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime. Journal of Modern Optics, 65(2), 119-128.

We present an experimental study of seeded four-wave mixing (4WM) using a diamond excitation scheme (with states from the 5S1/2,5P1/2,5P3/25S1/2,5P1/2,5P3/2 and 5D3/25D3/2 terms) in a thermal vapour of 87Rb87Rb atoms. We investigate the 4WM spectra u... Read More about Four-wave mixing in a non-degenerate four-level diamond configuration in the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime.

Optimization of atomic Faraday filters in the presence of homogeneous line broadening (2015)
Journal Article
Zentile, M. A., Mathew, R. S., Whiting, D. J., Keaveney, J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2015). Optimization of atomic Faraday filters in the presence of homogeneous line broadening. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 48(18), Article 185001.

We show that homogeneous line broadening drastically affects the performance of atomic Faraday filters. We study the effects of cell length and find that the behaviour of 'line-centre' filters are quite different from 'wing-type' filters, where the e... Read More about Optimization of atomic Faraday filters in the presence of homogeneous line broadening.