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All Outputs (147)

Digital twin applications in construction: creation and interaction of virtual and data layers (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sun, Y., Wang, Q., Toll, D., & Szyniszewski, S. (2024, August). Digital twin applications in construction: creation and interaction of virtual and data layers. Presented at International Conference on Civil Engineering: Innovations and Advancements ( ICCEIA 2024), Barcelona, Spain

This paper provides an overview of the establishment of a digital twin framework for building construction. The research focuses on the construction of the virtual layer and the data layer and the connection between the two. The article discusses the... Read More about Digital twin applications in construction: creation and interaction of virtual and data layers.

A Stackelberg-based biomass power trading game framework in hybrid-wind/solar/biomass system: From technological, economic, environmental and social perspectives (2023)
Journal Article
Huang, Y., Wang, Q., & Xu, J. (2023). A Stackelberg-based biomass power trading game framework in hybrid-wind/solar/biomass system: From technological, economic, environmental and social perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 403, Article 136806.

Developing hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) has been recognized as the best sustainable method for responding to global energy shortages. Introducing biomass power as backup into the HRES enables the improvement of the reliability of HRES power... Read More about A Stackelberg-based biomass power trading game framework in hybrid-wind/solar/biomass system: From technological, economic, environmental and social perspectives.

Components of thermal protection mechanism of carbon/phenolic composites exposed to severe aerodynamic heat (2022)
Journal Article
Huang, J., Guo, J., Huang, H., Wang, Q., & Li, W. (2023). Components of thermal protection mechanism of carbon/phenolic composites exposed to severe aerodynamic heat. Polymer Composites, 44(1), 136-147.

In order to improve the thermal protection efficiency of carbon/phenolic (C/Ph) composites used as the heatshield of hypersonic vehicles, it is essential to find out the components of its thermal protection mechanism. In this study, a pyrolysis layer... Read More about Components of thermal protection mechanism of carbon/phenolic composites exposed to severe aerodynamic heat.

Air-Gapped Current Transformer simulation and accuracy assessment (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ceron-Oliver, L., Wang, Q., & Zeze, D. (2022, June). Air-Gapped Current Transformer simulation and accuracy assessment. Presented at 2022 IEEE 21st Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), Palermo, ITALY

The implementation of smart grids makes it necessary to have reliable and efficient measuring devices. Current sensors used for metering purposes in the grid must be accurate enough to overcome new challenges that power networks face such as injectio... Read More about Air-Gapped Current Transformer simulation and accuracy assessment.

Structure health monitoring of concrete structures using magnetic flux leakage (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhang, Y., Wang, Q., & Huang, S. (2022, December). Structure health monitoring of concrete structures using magnetic flux leakage. Presented at The 7th International Conference on Civil Structural and Transportation Engineering (ICCSTE'22), Niagara Falls, Canada

Reinforcing bar, usually made of steel, is widely used in civil structures to increase the tensile strength of concrete. Heatinduced delayed expansion and corrosion expansion resulting in rust occupies a greater volume than rebar. This expansion crea... Read More about Structure health monitoring of concrete structures using magnetic flux leakage.

A comparison of air pollution in developed and developing cities: A case study of London and Beijing (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sun, S., & Wang, Q. (2022, June). A comparison of air pollution in developed and developing cities: A case study of London and Beijing. Presented at ICAQMM2022:XVI. International Conference on Air Quality Management and Monitoring, Rome, Italy

With the rapid development of industrialization, countries in different stages of development in the world have gradually begun to pay attention to the impact of air pollution on health and the environment. Air control in developed countries is an ef... Read More about A comparison of air pollution in developed and developing cities: A case study of London and Beijing.

Bayesian compressive sensing for recovering the time-frequency representation of undersampled lamb wave signals (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, Z., Wang, S., Wang, Q., Zhan, Z., Zhao, W., & Huang, S. (2022). Bayesian compressive sensing for recovering the time-frequency representation of undersampled lamb wave signals. Applied Acoustics, 187, Article 108480.

The characteristic extraction of ultrasonic Lamb wave is the prerequisite for its efficient utilization in the structural health monitoring. In the situation of intentional signal compression or unexpected data missing, the accurate recovery of conta... Read More about Bayesian compressive sensing for recovering the time-frequency representation of undersampled lamb wave signals.

Using machine learning for the classification of the remaining useful cycles in Lithium-ion batteries (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Coutts, H., & Wang, Q. (2021, August). Using machine learning for the classification of the remaining useful cycles in Lithium-ion batteries. Presented at ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Online

In order to keep up with the increasing focus on renewable energy, the demand for new battery technology and peripherals has likewise increased greatly. Given the relatively slow rate of change of new battery chemistry and technology, it is the perip... Read More about Using machine learning for the classification of the remaining useful cycles in Lithium-ion batteries.

Compatibility Issues With Irregular Current Injection Islanding Detection Methods in Multi-DG Units Equipped With Grid-Connected Transformers (2021)
Journal Article
Liu, M., Zhao, W., Wang, Q., Wang, Z., Jiang, C., Shu, J., Wang, H., & Bai, Y. (2022). Compatibility Issues With Irregular Current Injection Islanding Detection Methods in Multi-DG Units Equipped With Grid-Connected Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 37(3), 3599-3616.

Compatibility issues with irregular current injection islanding detection methods are actually the problem that some irregular currents at the same frequency injected into the same line may cancel each other out and then the islanding detection may b... Read More about Compatibility Issues With Irregular Current Injection Islanding Detection Methods in Multi-DG Units Equipped With Grid-Connected Transformers.

Early Fault Diagnostic System for Rolling Bearing Faults in Wind Turbines (2021)
Journal Article
Xu, L., Wang, Q., Ivrissimtzis, I., & Li, S. (2022). Early Fault Diagnostic System for Rolling Bearing Faults in Wind Turbines. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems, 5(1), Article 011004.

The operation and maintenance costs of wind farms are always high due to high labor costs and the high replacement cost of parts. Thus, it is of great importance to have real-time monitoring and an early fault diagnostic system to prevent major event... Read More about Early Fault Diagnostic System for Rolling Bearing Faults in Wind Turbines.

Effective Focal Area Dimension Optimization of Shear Horizontal Point-Focusing EMAT Using Orthogonal Test Method (2021)
Journal Article
Sun, H., Peng, L., Wang, S., Wang, Q., Zhao, W., & Huang, S. (2021). Effective Focal Area Dimension Optimization of Shear Horizontal Point-Focusing EMAT Using Orthogonal Test Method. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70,

To overcome the shortcomings of low energy conversion efficiency of electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs), point-focusing shear horizontal (PFSH) wave EMAT is used to focus the wave energy into a specific area. Many factors will affect the cap... Read More about Effective Focal Area Dimension Optimization of Shear Horizontal Point-Focusing EMAT Using Orthogonal Test Method.

Defect detection and identification of point-focusing shear-horizontal EMAT for plate inspection (2021)
Journal Article
Huang, S., Sun, H., Peng, L., Wang, S., Wang, Q., & Zhao, W. (2021). Defect detection and identification of point-focusing shear-horizontal EMAT for plate inspection. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, Article 9506409.

As a kind of nondestructive testing (NDT) method, shear-horizontal (SH)-guided wave detection technology is widely used on an electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT). Although ultrasonic-guided waves perform well in defect location, it is difficul... Read More about Defect detection and identification of point-focusing shear-horizontal EMAT for plate inspection.

Characteristic analysis of electromagnetic acoustic transducers for helical shear horizontal wave based on magnetostrictive effect (2021)
Journal Article
Huang, S., Wang, Z., Wang, S., Wang, Q., & Zhao, W. (2021). Characteristic analysis of electromagnetic acoustic transducers for helical shear horizontal wave based on magnetostrictive effect. Review of Scientific Instruments, 92(2), Article 025006.

The electromagnetic ultrasound detection technology provides an efficient method to inspect the structural health status. For the pipeline structure, the guided ultrasonic wave propagating along the axial direction has been the focus of the current r... Read More about Characteristic analysis of electromagnetic acoustic transducers for helical shear horizontal wave based on magnetostrictive effect.

Resolution of the paradox of the diamagnetic effect on the Kibble Coil (2021)
Journal Article
Li, S., Schlamminger, S., Marangoni, R., Wang, Q., Haddad, D., Seifert, F., Chao, L., Newell, D., & Zhao, W. (2021). Resolution of the paradox of the diamagnetic effect on the Kibble Coil. Scientific Reports, 11, Article 1048.

Employing very simple electro-mechanical principles known from classical physics, the Kibble balance establishes a very precise and absolute link between quantum electrical standards and macroscopic mass or force measurements. The success of the Kibb... Read More about Resolution of the paradox of the diamagnetic effect on the Kibble Coil.

Quantitate evaluation of a oil pipeline crack using electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) and numerical simulation (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lazcano, I., & Wang, Q. (2020, December). Quantitate evaluation of a oil pipeline crack using electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) and numerical simulation. Paper presented at CEFC 2020, Pisa, Italy

Defect detection is of great importance in the oil and gas industry. Quantifying the depth of a defect is achievable with ultrasonic guided waves and Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT). Producing A0 Lamb wave mode and using their dispersive p... Read More about Quantitate evaluation of a oil pipeline crack using electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) and numerical simulation.

Multi-helical Lamb Wave Imaging for Pipe-like Structures Based on a Probabilistic Reconstruction Approach (2020)
Journal Article
Wang, Z., Huang, S., Wang, S., Wang, Q., & Zhao, W. (2020). Multi-helical Lamb Wave Imaging for Pipe-like Structures Based on a Probabilistic Reconstruction Approach. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, Article 6002510.

The special form of pipe-like structure provides the helical route for ultrasonic guided wave. Considering the pipe as a flattened plate but with periodical replications, the helical wave becomes intuitional and a corresponding imaging algorithm can... Read More about Multi-helical Lamb Wave Imaging for Pipe-like Structures Based on a Probabilistic Reconstruction Approach.

Image reconstruction using RAPID Algorithm with Time-Frequency analysis (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alvarez-Lares, J., & Wang, Q. (2020, November). Image reconstruction using RAPID Algorithm with Time-Frequency analysis. Presented at The 15th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Kristiansand, Norway

The detection of cracks is crucial in some industries, such as petroleum and aerospace. In order to detect these cracks, a modification to the Reconstruction Algorithm for Probabilistic Inspection Damage (RAPID) has been proposed. This modification c... Read More about Image reconstruction using RAPID Algorithm with Time-Frequency analysis.

Design and development of hardware to analyse and categorize the condition of batteries with the aim of enabling their re-use (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wilson, A., & Wang, Q. (2020, August). Design and development of hardware to analyse and categorize the condition of batteries with the aim of enabling their re-use. Presented at The ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2020), St. Louis, MO, USA

This paper covers the design and implementation of an accurate, yet flexible test system for Lithium-Ion batteries. The system makes use of linear charge and discharge circuitry to ensure a low noise control, and can support the simultaneous and inde... Read More about Design and development of hardware to analyse and categorize the condition of batteries with the aim of enabling their re-use.

Temperature control to increase inter-layer bonding strength in fused deposition modelling (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kumrai-Woodruff, R., & Wang, Q. (2020, August). Temperature control to increase inter-layer bonding strength in fused deposition modelling. Presented at The ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2020), St. Louis, MO, USA

Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) provides opportunities for new development in numerous areas. Z-directional anisotropic strength caused by weak inter-layer bonding has been recognized as the reason for limited industry adoption of FDM. This paper ai... Read More about Temperature control to increase inter-layer bonding strength in fused deposition modelling.