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All Outputs (5)

Quantitate evaluation of a oil pipeline crack using electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) and numerical simulation (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lazcano, I., & Wang, Q. (2020, December). Quantitate evaluation of a oil pipeline crack using electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) and numerical simulation. Paper presented at CEFC 2020, Pisa, Italy

Defect detection is of great importance in the oil and gas industry. Quantifying the depth of a defect is achievable with ultrasonic guided waves and Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT). Producing A0 Lamb wave mode and using their dispersive p... Read More about Quantitate evaluation of a oil pipeline crack using electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) and numerical simulation.

Image reconstruction using RAPID Algorithm with Time-Frequency analysis (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alvarez-Lares, J., & Wang, Q. (2020, November). Image reconstruction using RAPID Algorithm with Time-Frequency analysis. Presented at The 15th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Kristiansand, Norway

The detection of cracks is crucial in some industries, such as petroleum and aerospace. In order to detect these cracks, a modification to the Reconstruction Algorithm for Probabilistic Inspection Damage (RAPID) has been proposed. This modification c... Read More about Image reconstruction using RAPID Algorithm with Time-Frequency analysis.

Temperature control to increase inter-layer bonding strength in fused deposition modelling (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kumrai-Woodruff, R., & Wang, Q. (2020, August). Temperature control to increase inter-layer bonding strength in fused deposition modelling. Presented at The ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2020), St. Louis, MO, USA

Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) provides opportunities for new development in numerous areas. Z-directional anisotropic strength caused by weak inter-layer bonding has been recognized as the reason for limited industry adoption of FDM. This paper ai... Read More about Temperature control to increase inter-layer bonding strength in fused deposition modelling.

Design and development of hardware to analyse and categorize the condition of batteries with the aim of enabling their re-use (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wilson, A., & Wang, Q. (2020, August). Design and development of hardware to analyse and categorize the condition of batteries with the aim of enabling their re-use. Presented at The ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2020), St. Louis, MO, USA

This paper covers the design and implementation of an accurate, yet flexible test system for Lithium-Ion batteries. The system makes use of linear charge and discharge circuitry to ensure a low noise control, and can support the simultaneous and inde... Read More about Design and development of hardware to analyse and categorize the condition of batteries with the aim of enabling their re-use.