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All Outputs (7)

Fewer pests and more ecosystem service‐providing arthropods in shady African cocoa farms: Insights from a data integration study (2023)
Journal Article
Jarrett, C., Cyril, K., Haydon, D. T., Wandji, C. A., Ferreira, D. F., Welch, A. J., Powell, L. L., & Matthiopoulos, J. (2024). Fewer pests and more ecosystem service‐providing arthropods in shady African cocoa farms: Insights from a data integration study. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61(2), 304-315.

Agricultural intensification is leading to conversion of cocoa agroforestry towards monocultures across the tropics. In the context of cocoa agriculture, arthropods provide a range of ecosystem services and dis‐services. Arthropod pests (e.g., mirids... Read More about Fewer pests and more ecosystem service‐providing arthropods in shady African cocoa farms: Insights from a data integration study.

Not all farms are created equal: Shady African cocoa farms promote a richer bat fauna (2023)
Journal Article
Ferreira, D. F., Darling, A., Jarrett, C., Atagana, P. J., Sandjo, P. R., Taedoumg, H., …Powell, L. L. (2023). Not all farms are created equal: Shady African cocoa farms promote a richer bat fauna. Biological Conservation, 284, Article 110191.

Bats provide important pest suppression services with economic value to cocoa farmers, yet the impact of cocoa farm management on bat diversity metrics is still poorly understood. This is especially important if we consider that Afrotropical cocoa fa... Read More about Not all farms are created equal: Shady African cocoa farms promote a richer bat fauna.

An inexpensive, 3D‐printable breast muscle meter for field ornithologists (2021)
Journal Article
Powell, L. L., Metallo, A., Jarrett, C., Cooper, N. W., Marra, P. P., McWilliams, S. R., Bauchinger, U., & Dossman, B. C. (2021). An inexpensive, 3D‐printable breast muscle meter for field ornithologists. Journal of Field Ornithology, 92(1),

The size of the pectoral muscle is an important component of body condition in birds and has been linked to indices of fitness and migratory performance. Bauchinger et al. (2011. Journal of Ornithology 152: 507–514) developed, calibrated, and validat... Read More about An inexpensive, 3D‐printable breast muscle meter for field ornithologists.

Flock Size Predicts Niche Breadth and Focal Wintering Regions for a Rapidly Declining Boreal-Breeding Passerine, the Rusty Blackbird (2021)
Journal Article
Evans, B. S., Powell, L. L., Demarest, D. W., Borchert, S. M., & Greenberg, R. S. (2021). Flock Size Predicts Niche Breadth and Focal Wintering Regions for a Rapidly Declining Boreal-Breeding Passerine, the Rusty Blackbird. Diversity, 13(2), Article 62.

Once exceptionally abundant, the Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) has declined precipitously over at least the last century. The species breeds across the Boreal forest, where it is so thinly distributed across such remote areas that it is extrem... Read More about Flock Size Predicts Niche Breadth and Focal Wintering Regions for a Rapidly Declining Boreal-Breeding Passerine, the Rusty Blackbird.

Interspecific competition between resident and wintering birds: experimental evidence and consequences of coexistence (2020)
Journal Article
Powell, L. L., Ames, E. M., Wright, J. R., Matthiopoulos, J., & Marra, P. P. (2020). Interspecific competition between resident and wintering birds: experimental evidence and consequences of coexistence. Ecology, 102(2), Article 03208.

The contribution of interspecific competition to structuring population and community dynamics remains controversial and poorly tested. Specifically, interspecific competition has long been thought to influence the structure of migrant‐resident bird... Read More about Interspecific competition between resident and wintering birds: experimental evidence and consequences of coexistence.

Assessment of Rusty Blackbird Habitat Occupancy in the Long Range Mountains of Newfoundland, Canada Using Forest Inventory Data (2020)
Journal Article
Manson, K. K., McDermott, J. P., Powell, L. L., Whitaker, D. M., & Warkentin, I. G. (2020). Assessment of Rusty Blackbird Habitat Occupancy in the Long Range Mountains of Newfoundland, Canada Using Forest Inventory Data. Diversity, 12(9), Article 340.

Rusty blackbirds (Euphagus carolinus), once common across their boreal breeding distribution, have undergone steep, range-wide population declines. Newfoundland is home to what has been described as one of just two known subspecies (E. c. nigrans) an... Read More about Assessment of Rusty Blackbird Habitat Occupancy in the Long Range Mountains of Newfoundland, Canada Using Forest Inventory Data.

Prealternate molt-migration in Rusty Blackbirds and its implications for stopover biology (2018)
Journal Article
Wright, J. R., Tonra, C. M., & Powell, L. L. (2018). Prealternate molt-migration in Rusty Blackbirds and its implications for stopover biology. Ornithological Applications, 120(3), 507-516.

To achieve greater understanding of the full annual cycles of birds, it is critical to describe the spatial nature of little-understood phases. One of the least understood aspects of avian annual cycles is the ecology of molt: the periodic replacemen... Read More about Prealternate molt-migration in Rusty Blackbirds and its implications for stopover biology.