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Object-based attentional facilitation and inhibition are neuropsychologically dissociated (2015)
Journal Article
Smith, D., Ball, K., Swalwell, R., & Schenk, T. (2016). Object-based attentional facilitation and inhibition are neuropsychologically dissociated. Neuropsychologia, 80, 9-16.

Salient peripheral cues produce a transient shift of attention which is superseded by a sustained inhibitory effect. Cueing part of an object produces an inhibitory cueing effect (ICE) that spreads throughout the object. In dynamic scenes the ICE sta... Read More about Object-based attentional facilitation and inhibition are neuropsychologically dissociated.

Dissociating the neural mechanisms of distance and spatial reference frames (2014)
Journal Article
Lane, A. R., Ball, K., & Ellison, A. (2015). Dissociating the neural mechanisms of distance and spatial reference frames. Neuropsychologia, 74, 42-49.

This study investigated if the neural mechanisms involved in processing distance (near and far) and frame of reference (egocentric and allocentric) can be dissociated. 36 participants completed a conjunction visual search task using either an egocent... Read More about Dissociating the neural mechanisms of distance and spatial reference frames.

The role of the oculomotor system in covert social attention (2014)
Journal Article
Morgan, E., Ball, K., & Smith, D. (2014). The role of the oculomotor system in covert social attention. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 76(5), 1265-1270.

Observing a change in gaze direction triggers a reflexive shift of attention and appears to engage the eye-movement system. However, the functional relationship between social attention and this oculomotor activation is unclear. One extremely influen... Read More about The role of the oculomotor system in covert social attention.

Oculomotor preparation as a rehearsal mechanism in spatial working memory (2014)
Journal Article
Pearson, D., Ball, K., & Smith, D. (2014). Oculomotor preparation as a rehearsal mechanism in spatial working memory. Cognition, 132(3), 416-428.

There is little consensus regarding the specific processes responsible for encoding, maintenance, and retrieval of information in visuo-spatial working memory (VSWM). One influential theory is that VSWM may involve activation of the eye-movement (ocu... Read More about Oculomotor preparation as a rehearsal mechanism in spatial working memory.

Functional Interaction between Right Parietal and Bilateral Frontal Cortices during Visual Search Tasks Revealed Using Functional Magnetic Imaging and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (2014)
Journal Article
Ellison, A., Ball, K., Moseley, P., Dowsett, J., Smith, D., Weis, S., & Lane, A. (2014). Functional Interaction between Right Parietal and Bilateral Frontal Cortices during Visual Search Tasks Revealed Using Functional Magnetic Imaging and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation. PLoS ONE, 9(4), Article e93767.

The existence of a network of brain regions which are activated when one undertakes a difficult visual search task is well established. Two primary nodes on this network are right posterior parietal cortex (rPPC) and right frontal eye fields. Both ha... Read More about Functional Interaction between Right Parietal and Bilateral Frontal Cortices during Visual Search Tasks Revealed Using Functional Magnetic Imaging and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation.

Pointing in visual periphery: Is DF's dorsal stream intact? (2014)
Journal Article
Hesse, C., Ball, K., & Schenk, T. (2014). Pointing in visual periphery: Is DF's dorsal stream intact?. PLoS ONE, 9(3), Article e91420.

Observations of the visual form agnosic patient DF have been highly influential in establishing the hypothesis that separate processing streams deal with vision for perception (ventral stream) and vision for action (dorsal stream). In this context, D... Read More about Pointing in visual periphery: Is DF's dorsal stream intact?.

Covert visual search within and beyond the effective oculomotor range (2013)
Journal Article
Smith, D., Ball, K., & Ellison, A. (2014). Covert visual search within and beyond the effective oculomotor range. Vision Research, 95, 11-17.

Covert spatial attention is tightly coupled to the eye-movement system, but the precise nature of this coupling remains contentious. Recent research has argued that covert attention and overt eye-movements many share a common biological limit, such t... Read More about Covert visual search within and beyond the effective oculomotor range.

Site-Dependent Effects of tDCS Uncover Dissociations in the Communication Network Underlying the Processing of Visual Search (2013)
Journal Article
Ball, K., Lane, A., Smith, D., & Ellison, A. (2013). Site-Dependent Effects of tDCS Uncover Dissociations in the Communication Network Underlying the Processing of Visual Search. Brain Stimulation, 6(6), 959-965.

Background: The right posterior parietal cortex (rPPC) and the right frontal eye field (rFEF) form part of a network of brain areas involved in orienting spatial attention. Previous studies using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) have demonstra... Read More about Site-Dependent Effects of tDCS Uncover Dissociations in the Communication Network Underlying the Processing of Visual Search.

Oculomotor involvement in spatial working memory is task-specific (2013)
Journal Article
Ball, K., Pearson, D., & Smith, D. (2013). Oculomotor involvement in spatial working memory is task-specific. Cognition, 129(2), 439-446.

Many everyday tasks, such as remembering where you parked, require the capacity to store and manipulate information about the visual and spatial properties of the world. The ability to represent, remember, and manipulate spatial information is known... Read More about Oculomotor involvement in spatial working memory is task-specific.

Near and far space: understanding the neural mechanisms of spatial attention (2013)
Journal Article
Lane, A., Ball, K., Smith, D., Schenk, T., & Ellison, A. (2013). Near and far space: understanding the neural mechanisms of spatial attention. Human Brain Mapping, 34(2), 356-366.

Visuospatial neglect is a multicomponent syndrome, and one dissociation reported is between neglect for near (peripersonal) and far (extrapersonal) space. Owing to patient heterogeneity and extensive lesions, it is difficult to determine the precise... Read More about Near and far space: understanding the neural mechanisms of spatial attention.

Inhibition of Return impairs phosphene detection (2012)
Journal Article
Smith, D., Ball, K., & Ellison, A. (2012). Inhibition of Return impairs phosphene detection. The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(11), 2262-2267.

Efficient visual exploration requires the ability to select possible target locations via spatial attention and to deselect previously inspected locations via inhibition of return (IOR). Although a great deal is known about the effects of spatial att... Read More about Inhibition of Return impairs phosphene detection.

Spatial priming in visual search: memory for body-centred information (2011)
Journal Article
Ball, K., Lane, A., Ellison, A., & Schenk, T. (2011). Spatial priming in visual search: memory for body-centred information. Experimental Brain Research, 212(3), 477-485.

Spatial priming allows memory for target locations to be evaluated, whereby when a target appears in the same location across trials, participants become more efficient at locating it and consequently their search times decrease. Previously, we repor... Read More about Spatial priming in visual search: memory for body-centred information.

A body-centred frame of reference drives spatial priming in visual search (2010)
Journal Article
Ball, K., Smith, D., Ellison, A., & Schenk, T. (2010). A body-centred frame of reference drives spatial priming in visual search. Experimental Brain Research, 204(4), 585-594.

Spatial priming in visual search is a well-documented phenomenon. If the target of a visual search is presented at the same location in subsequent trials, the time taken to find the target at this repeated target location is significantly reduced. Pr... Read More about A body-centred frame of reference drives spatial priming in visual search.

Deficits of reflexive attention induced by abduction of the eye (2010)
Journal Article
Smith, D., Ball, K., Ellison, A., & Schenk, T. (2010). Deficits of reflexive attention induced by abduction of the eye. Neuropsychologia, 48(5), 1269-1276.

Attention mediates access of sensory events to higher cognitive systems and can be driven by either top-down voluntary mechanisms or in a bottom-up, reflexive fashion by the sensory properties of a stimulus. The exact mechanisms underlying these diff... Read More about Deficits of reflexive attention induced by abduction of the eye.

Both egocentric and allocentric cues support spatial priming in visual search (2009)
Journal Article
Ball, K., Smith, D., Ellison, A., & Schenk, T. (2009). Both egocentric and allocentric cues support spatial priming in visual search. Neuropsychologia, 47(6), 1585-1591.

The perception–action model proposes that vision for perception and vision for action are subserved by two separate cortical systems, the ventral and dorsal streams, respectively [Milner, A. D., & Goodale, M. A. (1995). The visual brain in action (1s... Read More about Both egocentric and allocentric cues support spatial priming in visual search.