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All Outputs (11)

Aristotle’s Alternative to Enduring and Perduring:Lasting (2022)
Journal Article
Pemberton, J. M. (2022). Aristotle’s Alternative to Enduring and Perduring:Lasting. Ancient Philosophy Today: Dialogoi, 4(2), 217-236.

Although Aristotle does not explicitly address persistence, his account of persisting may be derived from a careful consideration of his account of change. On my interpretation, he supposes that motions are mereological unities of their potential tem... Read More about Aristotle’s Alternative to Enduring and Perduring:Lasting.

Powers: The No-Successor Problem (2021)
Journal Article
Pemberton, J. (2021). Powers: The No-Successor Problem. Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 7(2), 213-230.

This essay considers the implications for the powers metaphysic of the no-successor problem: As there are no successors in the set of real numbers, one state cannot occur just after another in continuous time without there being a gap between the two... Read More about Powers: The No-Successor Problem.

Mechanisms, laws and explanation (2020)
Journal Article
Cartwright, N., Pemberton, J., & Wieten, S. (2020). Mechanisms, laws and explanation. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 10(3), Article 25.

Mechanisms are now taken widely in philosophy of science to provide one of modern science’s basic explanatory devices. This has raised lively debate concerning the relationship between mechanisms, laws and explanation. This paper focuses on cases whe... Read More about Mechanisms, laws and explanation.

Individuating Processes (2018)
Book Chapter
Pemberton, J. (2018). Individuating Processes. In O. Bueno, R.-L. Chen, & M. B. Fagan (Eds.), Individuation, process, and scientific practices (39-62). Oxford University Press

Ceteris paribus laws need machines to generate them (2014)
Journal Article
Pemberton, J., & Cartwright, N. (2014). Ceteris paribus laws need machines to generate them. Erkenntnis, 79(10), 1745-1758.

Most of the regularities that get represented as ‘laws’ in our sciences arise from, and are to be found regularly associated with, the successful operation of a nomological machine. Reference to the nomological machine must be included in the cp-clau... Read More about Ceteris paribus laws need machines to generate them.