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All Outputs (25)

Deciphering signs: an empirical apprenticeship (2016)
Journal Article
Aroles, J., & McLean, C. (2016). Deciphering signs: an empirical apprenticeship. Ethnography, 18(2), 175-192.

The aim of the article is to explore how an apprenticeship through signs can inform ethnographic inquiries. Upon engaging with signs, one can develop new empirical sensibilities that could allow for the appreciation of the flows, forces and intensiti... Read More about Deciphering signs: an empirical apprenticeship.

Rethinking Stability and Change in the Study of Organizational Routines: Difference and Repetition in a Newspaper-Printing Factory (2016)
Journal Article
Aroles, J., & McLean, C. (2016). Rethinking Stability and Change in the Study of Organizational Routines: Difference and Repetition in a Newspaper-Printing Factory. Organization Science, 27(3), 535-550.

Organizational life consists of an ever-changing world of encounters, experiences, and complex sociomaterial relations. Within this context, standard routines can be seen as a solution to problems of inefficiency within organizations, especially when... Read More about Rethinking Stability and Change in the Study of Organizational Routines: Difference and Repetition in a Newspaper-Printing Factory.

Performance and Becoming: Rethinking nativeness in virtual communities (2015)
Journal Article
Aroles, J. (2015). Performance and Becoming: Rethinking nativeness in virtual communities. Games and Culture, 13(5), 423-439.

This article seeks to examine how the notions of belonging and nativeness are enacted in virtual communities. It draws from an ethnographically inspired study of the players of a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) that is explore... Read More about Performance and Becoming: Rethinking nativeness in virtual communities.

Becoming, assemblages and intensities: re-exploring rules and routines (2015)
Book Chapter
Aroles, J., & McLean, C. (2015). Becoming, assemblages and intensities: re-exploring rules and routines. In F. de Vaujany, N. Mitev, G. Lanzara, & A. Mukherjee (Eds.), Materiality, rules and regulation : new trends in management and organization studies (177-194). Palgrave Macmillan.

As we log into our computers, type in our passwords and connect to our extended world of networks, contacts and associations through email, the Internet and a wealth of applications, there can be a feeling that this electronic world appears automatic... Read More about Becoming, assemblages and intensities: re-exploring rules and routines.

Making organizational facts, standards and routines: tracing materialities and materialising traces (2014)
Book Chapter
McLean, C., & Aroles, J. (2014). Making organizational facts, standards and routines: tracing materialities and materialising traces. In F. de Vaujany, N. Mitev, P. Laniray, & E. Vaast (Eds.), Materiality and time : historical perspectives on organizations, artefacts and practices (81-98). Palgrave Macmillan.

“One area where we are looking to cut waste and costs at the moment, is ink usage” described Peter, the Managing Director (MD) of a newspaper printing factory.1 He explained how ink usage had stood out as a particular issue when he was reviewing the... Read More about Making organizational facts, standards and routines: tracing materialities and materialising traces.