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Making organizational facts, standards and routines: tracing materialities and materialising traces

McLean, C.; Aroles, J.

Making organizational facts, standards and routines: tracing materialities and materialising traces Thumbnail


C. McLean

J. Aroles


F.X. de Vaujany

N. Mitev

P. Laniray

E. Vaast


“One area where we are looking to cut waste and costs at the moment, is ink usage” described Peter, the Managing Director (MD) of a newspaper printing factory.1 He explained how ink usage had stood out as a particular issue when he was reviewing the monthly group figures that are centrally produced: “I noticed that others [other factories in the group] were performing better than us on ink usage. We needed to find ways of reducing costs and waste in this area, so I got Matthew to look at it in more detail”. In addition to raising questions about how certain issues become seen as a “matter of concern” within this organizational setting — a problem to be solved — it also draws our attention to how we might study these issues in terms of the practices and process of organizing. While reducing ink usage is just one example of the complex and heterogeneous practices and relations which underlie newspaper printing, it provides an ideal case to study the process of fact, truth, and decision-making within such a setting and how certain issues become translated into ideas of “good” and “bad” practices. Furthermore, through the concept of material memory traces, we can begin to rethink the ideas of materiality, space, time, and action in relation to the practices of organizing by unpacking and enhancing our sensitivity to these fact-making processes.


McLean, C., & Aroles, J. (2014). Making organizational facts, standards and routines: tracing materialities and materialising traces. In F. de Vaujany, N. Mitev, P. Laniray, & E. Vaast (Eds.), Materiality and time : historical perspectives on organizations, artefacts and practices (81-98). Palgrave Macmillan.

Publication Date Sep 1, 2014
Deposit Date Aug 2, 2018
Publicly Available Date Sep 24, 2018
Publisher Palgrave Macmillan
Pages 81-98
Series Title Technology, work and globalization
Book Title Materiality and time : historical perspectives on organizations, artefacts and practices.
ISBN 9781349492398
Public URL


Accepted Book Chapter (769 Kb)

Copyright Statement
McLean C., Aroles J. (2014) Making Organizational Facts, Standards, and Routines: Tracing Materialities and Materializing Traces. In: de Vaujany FX., Mitev N., Laniray P., Vaast E. (eds) Materiality and Time. Technology, Work and Globalization. Palgrave Macmillan, London, reproduced with permission of Palgrave Macmillan. This extract is taken from the author's original manuscript and has not been edited. The definitive, published, version of record is available here:

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