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Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) performance of doctors who passed Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) tests compared with UK medical graduates: national data linkage study (2014)
Journal Article
Tiffin, P., Illing, J., Kasim, A., & McLachlan, J. (2014). Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) performance of doctors who passed Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) tests compared with UK medical graduates: national data linkage study. eBMJ (London), 348,

Objective To determine whether use of the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) examination system used to grant registration for international medical graduates results in equivalent postgraduate medical performance, as evaluated at A... Read More about Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) performance of doctors who passed Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) tests compared with UK medical graduates: national data linkage study.

Have restricted working hours reduced junior doctors' experience of fatigue? A focus group and telephone interview study (2014)
Journal Article
Morrow, G., Burford, B., Carter, M., & Illing, J. (2014). Have restricted working hours reduced junior doctors' experience of fatigue? A focus group and telephone interview study. BMJ Open, 4(3), Article e004222.

Objective: To explore the effects of the UK Working Time Regulations (WTR) on trainee doctors’ experience of fatigue. Design: Qualitative study involving focus groups and telephone interviews, conducted in Spring 2012 with doctors purposively selecte... Read More about Have restricted working hours reduced junior doctors' experience of fatigue? A focus group and telephone interview study.

A systematic literature review of undergraduate clinical placements in underserved areas (2013)
Journal Article
Crampton, P., McLachlan, J., & Illing, J. (2013). A systematic literature review of undergraduate clinical placements in underserved areas. Medical Education, 47(10), 969-978.

Context: The delivery of undergraduate clinical education in underserved areas is increasing in various contexts across the world in response to local workforce needs. A collective understanding of the impact of these placements is lacking. Previous... Read More about A systematic literature review of undergraduate clinical placements in underserved areas.

Newly qualified doctors’ perceptions of informal learning from nurses: implications for interprofessional education and practice (2013)
Journal Article
Burford, B., Morrow, G., Morrison, J., Baldauf, B., Spencer, J., Johnson, N., …Illing, J. (2013). Newly qualified doctors’ perceptions of informal learning from nurses: implications for interprofessional education and practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27(5), 394-400.

Newly qualified doctors spend much of their time with nurses, but little research has considered informal learning during that formative contact. This article reports findings from a multiple case study that explored what newly qualified doctors felt... Read More about Newly qualified doctors’ perceptions of informal learning from nurses: implications for interprofessional education and practice.

Evidence Synthesis on the occurrence, causes, consequences, prevention and management of bullying and harassing behaviours to inform decision-making in the NHS (2013)
Illing, J., Carter, M., Thompson, N., Crampton, P., Morrow, G., Howse, J., …Burford, B. (2013). Evidence Synthesis on the occurrence, causes, consequences, prevention and management of bullying and harassing behaviours to inform decision-making in the NHS. NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation (NIHR SDO)

Workplace bullying is a persistent problem in the NHS with negative implications for individuals, teams, and organisations. Bullying is a complex phenomenon and there is a lack of evidence on the best approaches to manage the problem. Aims: Research... Read More about Evidence Synthesis on the occurrence, causes, consequences, prevention and management of bullying and harassing behaviours to inform decision-making in the NHS.

Perceptions of UK medical graduates' preparedness for practice: A multi-centre qualitative study reflecting the importance of learning on the job (2013)
Journal Article
Illing, J., Morrow, G., Rothwell, C., Burford, B., Baldauf, B., Davies, C., …Morrison, J. (2013). Perceptions of UK medical graduates' preparedness for practice: A multi-centre qualitative study reflecting the importance of learning on the job. BMC Medical Education, 13(1), Article 34.

Background: There is evidence that graduates of different medical schools vary in their preparedness for their first post. In 2003 Goldacre et al. reported that over 40% of UK medical graduates did not feel prepared and found large differences betwee... Read More about Perceptions of UK medical graduates' preparedness for practice: A multi-centre qualitative study reflecting the importance of learning on the job.

Ways in which healthcare organisations can support overseas-qualified doctors in the UK (2013)
Journal Article
Rothwell, C., Morrow, G., Burford, B., & Illing, J. (2013). Ways in which healthcare organisations can support overseas-qualified doctors in the UK. International journal of medical education, 4, 75-82.

Objectives: To identify what healthcare organisations, including medical regulators, can do to address the issues and concerns faced by overseas-qualified doctors when moving to the UK. Methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted with sixty-six do... Read More about Ways in which healthcare organisations can support overseas-qualified doctors in the UK.

Workplace bullying in the UK NHS: a questionnaire and interview study on prevalence, impact and barriers to reporting (2013)
Journal Article
Carter, M., Thompson, N., Crampton, P., Morrow, G., Burford, B., Gray, C., & Illing, J. (2013). Workplace bullying in the UK NHS: a questionnaire and interview study on prevalence, impact and barriers to reporting. BMJ Open, 3(6), Article e002628.

Objectives:To examine the prevalence and impact of bullying behaviours between staff in the National Health Service (NHS) workplace, and to explore the barriers to reporting bullying. Design: Cross-sectional questionnaire and semi-structured intervie... Read More about Workplace bullying in the UK NHS: a questionnaire and interview study on prevalence, impact and barriers to reporting.

The impact of the Working Time Regulations on medical education and training : Literature review. Report for the General Medical Council (2012)
Morrow, G., Burford, B., Carter, M., & Illing, J. (2012). The impact of the Working Time Regulations on medical education and training : Literature review. Report for the General Medical Council. General Medical Council

This report presents the findings of primary research that aimed to evaluate the possible effects of the Working Time Regulations (1998; the WTR) on postgraduate medical education and training across the UK. It follows a literature review conducted a... Read More about The impact of the Working Time Regulations on medical education and training : Literature review. Report for the General Medical Council.

Does specialty training prepare doctors for senior roles? A questionnaire study of new UK consultants (2012)
Journal Article
Morrow, G., Burford, B., Redfern, N., Briel, R., & Illing, J. (2012). Does specialty training prepare doctors for senior roles? A questionnaire study of new UK consultants. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 88(1044), 558-565.

Aim: To measure new consultants' perceptions of their preparedness for different clinical and non-clinical aspects of the role of consultant. Design: A cross-specialty questionnaire was developed and validated, containing items asking how well specia... Read More about Does specialty training prepare doctors for senior roles? A questionnaire study of new UK consultants.

Junior Doctors prescribing: enhancing their learning in practice (2012)
Journal Article
Rothwell, C., Burford, B., Morrison, J., Morrow, G., Allen, M., Davies, C., …Illing, J. (2012). Junior Doctors prescribing: enhancing their learning in practice. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 73(2), 194-202.

What is already known on this topic: A large proportion of medical graduates do not feel prepared for practice. Prescribing is one of the biggest steps up from being a student to practising as a doctor. What this study adds: Graduates lack of prepare... Read More about Junior Doctors prescribing: enhancing their learning in practice.

Preparedness for practice : the perceptions of medical graduates and clinical teams (2012)
Journal Article
Morrow, G., Johnson, N., Burford, B., Rothwell, C., Spencer, J., Peile, E., …Illing, J. (2012). Preparedness for practice : the perceptions of medical graduates and clinical teams. Medical Teacher, 34(2), 123-135.

Background: Earlier research indicated that medical graduates feel unprepared to start work, and that this varies with medical school. Aims: To examine the extent to which graduates from different UK medical schools differed in their perceptions of p... Read More about Preparedness for practice : the perceptions of medical graduates and clinical teams.

Does questionnaire-based patient feedback reflect the important qualities of clinical consultations? Context, benefits and risks (2011)
Journal Article
Burford, B., Greco, M., Bedi, A., Kergon, C., Morrow, G., Livingston, M., & Illing, J. (2011). Does questionnaire-based patient feedback reflect the important qualities of clinical consultations? Context, benefits and risks. Patient Education and Counseling, 84(2), e28-e36.

Objective: To explore perceptions of clinical consultations and how they relate to questionnaire-based patient feedback. Methods: Telephone interviews with 35 junior doctors and 40 general practice patients who had used the Doctors’ Interpersonal Ski... Read More about Does questionnaire-based patient feedback reflect the important qualities of clinical consultations? Context, benefits and risks.

Addressing performance concerns (2010)
Journal Article
Morrow, G., Burford, B., Kergon, C., & Illing, J. (2010). Addressing performance concerns. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 16(9), 436-442.

Aim: To assess the impact of the National Clinical Assessment Service (NCAS) on governance activity for medical and dental practitioners in Northern Ireland. Method: Telephone interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of referrers to NCAS in... Read More about Addressing performance concerns.

User perceptions of multi-source feedback tools for junior doctors (2010)
Journal Article
Burford, B., Illing, J., Kergon, C., Morrow, G., & Livingston, M. (2010). User perceptions of multi-source feedback tools for junior doctors. Medical Education, 44(2), 165-176.

Context:  The effectiveness of multi-source feedback (MSF) tools, which are increasingly important in medical careers, will be influenced by their users’ attitudes. This study compared perceptions of two tools for giving MSF to UK junior doctors, of... Read More about User perceptions of multi-source feedback tools for junior doctors.

Collecting patient feedback in different clinical settings: problems and solutions (2009)
Journal Article
Burford, B., Greco, M., Bedi, A., Morrow, G., Illing, J., Livingston, M., & Kergon, C. (2009). Collecting patient feedback in different clinical settings: problems and solutions. The Clinical Teacher, 6(4), 259-264.

Patient feedback has increasing importance in medical careers This paper describes practical issues in the collection of patient feedback Access to the clinical setting varied between hospital and GP environments Personal anxiety about hearing patien... Read More about Collecting patient feedback in different clinical settings: problems and solutions.

Are specialist registrars fully prepared for the role of consultant? (2009)
Journal Article
Morrow, G., Illing, J., Redfern, N., Briel, R., Burford, B., & Kergon, C. (2009). Are specialist registrars fully prepared for the role of consultant?. The Clinical Teacher, 6(2), 87-90.

The step-up from specialist registrar (SpR) to consultant has been acknowledged by doctors as being large. It can involve relatively sudden change, and can be both stressful and demanding.1,2 There is increasing pressure on available time for trainin... Read More about Are specialist registrars fully prepared for the role of consultant?.

Extending Professional Regulation: Models of regulation and their applicability to healthcare. Report for the Department of Health Extending Professional Regulation Working Group, December 2008 (2008)
Illing, J., Burford, B., Campbell, M., Morrow, G., Kergon, C., Thompson, N., & Crampton, P. (2008). Extending Professional Regulation: Models of regulation and their applicability to healthcare. Report for the Department of Health Extending Professional Regulation Working Group, December 2008. Department of Health Extending Professional Regulation Working Group