The Role Of Hyperfine Pumping In Multilevel Systems Exhibiting Saturated Absorption
Journal Article
Smith, D., & Hughes, I. (2004). The Role Of Hyperfine Pumping In Multilevel Systems Exhibiting Saturated Absorption. American Journal of Physics, 72, 631-637
All Outputs (100)
Refractive index measurements by probe-beam deflection (2004)
Journal Article
Purves, G., Jundt, G., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2004). Refractive index measurements by probe-beam deflection
Single-impulse magnetic focusing of launched cold atoms (2004)
Journal Article
Pritchard, M., Arnold, A., Smith, D., & Hughes, I. (2004). Single-impulse magnetic focusing of launched cold atoms. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37(22), 4435-4450. have theoretically investigated the focusing of a launched cloud of cold atoms. Time-dependent spatially-varying magnetic fields are used to impart impulses leading to a three-dimensional focus of the launched cloud. We discuss possible coil arran... Read More about Single-impulse magnetic focusing of launched cold atoms.
Non-linear Sagnac interferometry for pump-probe dispersion spectroscopy (2003)
Journal Article
Jundt, G., Purves, G., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2003). Non-linear Sagnac interferometry for pump-probe dispersion spectroscopy. The European Physical Journal D, 27(3), 273-276. explore pump-probe non-linear Sagnac interferometry as a tool to measure the dispersive properties of a medium. We introduce the background theory, and show experimental spectra obtained on the D2 transition with 85Rb and 87Rb. The measured disper... Read More about Non-linear Sagnac interferometry for pump-probe dispersion spectroscopy.
Polarization spectroscopy of a closed atomic transition: applications to laser frequency locking (2002)
Journal Article
Pearman, C., Adams, C., Cox, S., Griffin, P., Smith, D., & Hughes, I. (2002). Polarization spectroscopy of a closed atomic transition: applications to laser frequency locking. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 35(24), 5141-5151. study polarization spectroscopy of Rb vapour. A weak probe beam analyses the birefringence induced in a room temperature vapour by a strong counterpropagating circularly polarized pump beam. In contrast to most other work on polarization spectrosc... Read More about Polarization spectroscopy of a closed atomic transition: applications to laser frequency locking.
Hyperfine effects in electromagnetically induced transparency. (2001)
Journal Article
Badger, S., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2001). Hyperfine effects in electromagnetically induced transparency. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 34(22), L749-L756. role of hyperfine structure in electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is investigated by studying the 5S1/2-5P3/2-5D3/2,5/2 cascade system in 85Rb and 87Rb. We show that if the hyperfine splitting Δhfs is larger than the Rabi frequency of... Read More about Hyperfine effects in electromagnetically induced transparency..
Periodic trajectories of cold atoms in a gravitational cavity (2001)
Journal Article
Hughes, I., Darlington, T., & Hinds, E. (2001). Periodic trajectories of cold atoms in a gravitational cavity. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 34(14), 2869-2880. study the classical dynamics of an atom bouncing on a concave reflector, which is sometimes called a gravitational cavity. Experiments and simulations have previously shown that atoms released from particular heights exhibit anomalously long stora... Read More about Periodic trajectories of cold atoms in a gravitational cavity.
Propagation of Cold Atoms along a Miniature Magnetic Guide (2000)
Journal Article
Key, M., Hughes, I., Rooijakkers, W., Sauer, B., Hinds, E., Richardson, D., & Kazansky, P. (2000). Propagation of Cold Atoms along a Miniature Magnetic Guide. Physical Review Letters, 84, 1371-1373.
Manipulation of cold atoms by an adaptable magnetic reflector (2000)
Journal Article
Rosenbusch, P., Hall, B., Hughes, I., Saba, C., Hinds, ,., & A., E. (2000). Manipulation of cold atoms by an adaptable magnetic reflector. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 70, 709-720.
Manipulation of cold atoms using a corrugated magnetic reflector (2000)
Journal Article
Rosenbusch, P., Hall, B., Hughes, I., Saba, C., Hinds, ,., & A., E. (2000). Manipulation of cold atoms using a corrugated magnetic reflector. Physical Review A, 61, 031404-
Reconstruction of a Cold Atom Cloud by Magnetic Focusing (1999)
Journal Article
Saba, C., Barton, P., Boshier, M., Hughes, I., Rosenbusch, P., Sauer, B., & Hinds, E. (1999). Reconstruction of a Cold Atom Cloud by Magnetic Focusing. Physical Review Letters, 82, 468-471.
REVIEW ARTICLE: Magnetic atom optics: mirrors, guides, traps, and chips for atoms (1999)
Journal Article
Hinds, E., & Hughes, I. (1999). REVIEW ARTICLE: Magnetic atom optics: mirrors, guides, traps, and chips for atoms. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 32, 119-
Magnetic Waveguide for Trapping Cold Atom Gases in Two Dimensions (1998)
Journal Article
Hinds, E., Boshier, M., & Hughes, I. (1998). Magnetic Waveguide for Trapping Cold Atom Gases in Two Dimensions. Physical Review Letters, 80, 645-649.
Broadband degenerate four-wave mixing of OH for flame thermometry (1998)
Journal Article
Lloyd, G., Hughes, I., Bratfalean, R., & Ewart, P. (1998). Broadband degenerate four-wave mixing of OH for flame thermometry. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 67, 107-113.
Atom optics with magnetic surfaces: I. Storage of cold atoms in a curved `floppy disk' (1997)
Journal Article
Hughes, I., Barton, P., Roach, T., Boshier, M., & Hinds, E. (1997). Atom optics with magnetic surfaces: I. Storage of cold atoms in a curved `floppy disk'. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 30, 647-658.
Atom optics with magnetic surfaces: II. Microscopic analysis of the `floppy disk' mirror (1997)
Journal Article
Hughes, I., Barton, P., Roach, T., & Hinds, E. (1997). Atom optics with magnetic surfaces: II. Microscopic analysis of the `floppy disk' mirror. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 30, 2119-2132.
Degenerate four-wave mixing spectroscopy and spectral simulation of C₂ in an atmospheric pressure oxy-acetylene flame (1997)
Journal Article
Kaminski, C., Hughes, I., & Ewart, P. (1997). Degenerate four-wave mixing spectroscopy and spectral simulation of C₂ in an atmospheric pressure oxy-acetylene flame. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 106, 5324-5332
Electronic Rydberg wavepacket effects on molecular vibration (1994)
Journal Article
Hughes, I., & Meacher, D. (1994). Electronic Rydberg wavepacket effects on molecular vibration. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 27, 1377-1386.
Observations of the collapse and fractional revival of a Rydberg wavepacket in atomic rubidium (1991)
Journal Article
Meacher, D., Meyler, P., Hughes, I., & Ewart, P. (1991). Observations of the collapse and fractional revival of a Rydberg wavepacket in atomic rubidium. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 24, L63-L69.
Dynamics of cold atoms above a curved magnetic mirror
Journal Article
Hinds, E., Barton, P., Boshier, M., Hughes, I., & Saba, C. (online). Dynamics of cold atoms above a curved magnetic mirror