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Quantitative optical spectroscopy of $^{87}$Rb vapour in the Voigt geometry in DC magnetic fields up to 0.4T (2019)
Journal Article
Keaveney, J., Ponciano-Ojeda, F. S., Rieche, S. M., Raine, M. J., Hampshire, D. P., & Hughes, I. G. (2019). Quantitative optical spectroscopy of $^{87}$Rb vapour in the Voigt geometry in DC magnetic fields up to 0.4T. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 52(5), Article 055003.

We present a detailed spectroscopic investigation of a thermal ⁸⁷Rb atomic vapour in magnetic fields up to 0.4T in the Voigt geometry. We fit experimental spectra with our theoretical model ElecSus and find excellent quantitative agreement, with RMS... Read More about Quantitative optical spectroscopy of $^{87}$Rb vapour in the Voigt geometry in DC magnetic fields up to 0.4T.

An intuitive approach to structuring the three electric field components of light (2019)
Journal Article
Maucher, F., Skupin, S., Gardiner, S., & Hughes, I. (2019). An intuitive approach to structuring the three electric field components of light. New Journal of Physics, 21, Article 013032.

This paper presents intuitive interpretations of tightly focused beams of light by drawing analogies with two-dimensional electrostatics, magnetostatics and fluid dynamics. We use a Helmholtz decomposition of the transverse electric field components... Read More about An intuitive approach to structuring the three electric field components of light.

Lattice-depth measurement using multipulse atom diffraction in and beyond the weakly diffracting limit (2019)
Journal Article
Beswick, B. T., Hughes, I. G., & Gardiner, S. A. (2019). Lattice-depth measurement using multipulse atom diffraction in and beyond the weakly diffracting limit. Physical Review A, 99(1), Article 013614.

Precise knowledge of optical lattice depths is important for a number of areas of atomic physics, most notably in quantum simulation, atom interferometry, and for the accurate determination of transition matrix elements. In such experiments, lattice... Read More about Lattice-depth measurement using multipulse atom diffraction in and beyond the weakly diffracting limit.

Optics f2f (2018)
Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (in press). Optics f2f. OUP

Optimized ultra-narrow atomic bandpass filters via magneto-optic rotation in an unconstrained geometry (2018)
Journal Article
Keaveney, J., Wrathmall, S. A., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2018). Optimized ultra-narrow atomic bandpass filters via magneto-optic rotation in an unconstrained geometry. Optics Letters, 43(17), 4272-4275.

Atomic bandpass filters are widely used in a variety of applications, owing to their high peak transmission and narrow bandwidths. Much of the previous literature has used the Faraday effect to realize these filters, where an axial magnetic field is... Read More about Optimized ultra-narrow atomic bandpass filters via magneto-optic rotation in an unconstrained geometry.

Simultaneous two-photon resonant optical laser locking (STROLLing) in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime (2018)
Journal Article
Mathew, R. S., Ponciano-Ojeda, F., Keaveney, J., Whiting, D., & Hughes, I. (2018). Simultaneous two-photon resonant optical laser locking (STROLLing) in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime. Optics Letters, 43(17), 4204-4207.

We demonstrate a technique to lock simultaneously two laser frequencies to each step of a two-photon transition in the presence of a magnetic field sufficiently large to gain access to the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime. A ladder configuration with th... Read More about Simultaneous two-photon resonant optical laser locking (STROLLing) in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime.

Collective Lamb shift of a nanoscale atomic vapor layer within a sapphire cavity (2018)
Journal Article
Peyrot, T., Keaveney, J., Sortais, Y. R., Sargsyan, A., Sarkisyan, D., Hughes, I. G., …Adams, C. S. (2018). Collective Lamb shift of a nanoscale atomic vapor layer within a sapphire cavity. Physical Review Letters, 120(24), Article 243401.

We measure the near-resonant transmission of light through a dense medium of potassium vapor confined in a cell with nanometer thickness in order to investigate the origin and validity of the collective Lamb shift. A complete model including the mult... Read More about Collective Lamb shift of a nanoscale atomic vapor layer within a sapphire cavity.

Creating Complex Optical Longitudinal Polarization Structures (2018)
Journal Article
Maucher, F., Skupin, S., Gardiner, S., & Hughes, I. (2018). Creating Complex Optical Longitudinal Polarization Structures. Physical Review Letters, 120(16), Article 163903.

In this Letter, we show that it is possible to structure the longitudinal polarization component of light. We illustrate our approach by demonstrating linked and knotted longitudinal vortex lines acquired upon nonparaxially propagating a tightly focu... Read More about Creating Complex Optical Longitudinal Polarization Structures.

ElecSus: Extension to arbitrary geometry magneto-optics (2017)
Journal Article
Keaveney, J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2017). ElecSus: Extension to arbitrary geometry magneto-optics. Computer Physics Communications, 224, 311-324.

We present a major update to ElecSus, a computer program and underlying model to calculate the electric susceptibility of an alkali-metal atomic vapour. Knowledge of the electric susceptibility of a medium is essential to predict its absorptive and d... Read More about ElecSus: Extension to arbitrary geometry magneto-optics.

Four-wave mixing in a non-degenerate four-level diamond configuration in the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime (2017)
Journal Article
Whiting, D. J., Mathew, R. S., Keaveney, J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2018). Four-wave mixing in a non-degenerate four-level diamond configuration in the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime. Journal of Modern Optics, 65(2), 119-128.

We present an experimental study of seeded four-wave mixing (4WM) using a diamond excitation scheme (with states from the 5S1/2,5P1/2,5P3/25S1/2,5P1/2,5P3/2 and 5D3/25D3/2 terms) in a thermal vapour of 87Rb87Rb atoms. We investigate the 4WM spectra u... Read More about Four-wave mixing in a non-degenerate four-level diamond configuration in the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime.

Single-photon interference due to motion in an atomic collective excitation (2017)
Journal Article
Whiting, D. J., Šibalić, N., Keaveney, J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2017). Single-photon interference due to motion in an atomic collective excitation. Physical Review Letters, 118(25), Article 253601.

We experimentally demonstrate the generation of heralded bi-chromatic single photons from an atomic collective spin excitation (CSE). The photon arrival times display collective quantum beats, a novel interference effect resulting from the relative m... Read More about Single-photon interference due to motion in an atomic collective excitation.

Velocity selection in a Doppler-broadened ensemble of atoms interacting with a monochromatic laser beam (2017)
Journal Article
Hughes, I. G. (2018). Velocity selection in a Doppler-broadened ensemble of atoms interacting with a monochromatic laser beam. Journal of Modern Optics, 65(5-6), 640-647.

There is extensive use of monochromatic lasers to select atoms with a narrow range of velocities in many atomic physics experiments. For the commonplace situation of the inhomogeneous Doppler-broadened (Gaussian) linewidth exceeding the homogeneous (... Read More about Velocity selection in a Doppler-broadened ensemble of atoms interacting with a monochromatic laser beam.

A visual understanding of optical rotation using corn syrup (2017)
Journal Article
Nixon, M., & Hughes, I. (2017). A visual understanding of optical rotation using corn syrup. European Journal of Physics, 38(4), Article 045302.

In this paper a visual demonstration of optical rotation is presented, with content appropriate for use in a lecture demonstration as well as quantitative techniques suitable for an undergraduate-laboratory experiment. Linearly polarised lasers of va... Read More about A visual understanding of optical rotation using corn syrup.

Selective reflection from an Rb layer with a thickness below λ/12 and applications (2017)
Journal Article
Sargsyan, A., Papoyan, A., Hughes, I. G., Adams, C. S., & Sarkisyan, D. (2017). Selective reflection from an Rb layer with a thickness below λ/12 and applications. Optics Letters, 42(8), 1476-1479.

We have studied the peculiarities of selective reflection from an Rb vapor cell with a thickness L < 70 nm, which is smaller than the length scale of evanescent fields λ∕2π and more than an order of magnitude smaller than the optical wavelength. A 24... Read More about Selective reflection from an Rb layer with a thickness below λ/12 and applications.

epsilon-pseudoclassical model for quantum resonances in a cold dilute atomic gas periodically driven by finite-duration standing-wave laser pulses (2016)
Journal Article
Beswick, B., Hughes, I., Gardiner, S., Astier, H., Andersen, M., & Daszuta, B. (2016). epsilon-pseudoclassical model for quantum resonances in a cold dilute atomic gas periodically driven by finite-duration standing-wave laser pulses. Physical Review A, 94(6), Article 063604.

Atom interferometers are a useful tool for precision measurements of fundamental physical phenomena, ranging from the local gravitational-field strength to the atomic fine-structure constant. In such experiments, it is desirable to implement a high-m... Read More about epsilon-pseudoclassical model for quantum resonances in a cold dilute atomic gas periodically driven by finite-duration standing-wave laser pulses.

A single-mode external cavity diode laser using an intra-cavity atomic Faraday filter with short-term linewidth <400 kHz and long-term stability of <1 MHz (2016)
Journal Article
Keaveney, J., Hamlyn, W. J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2016). A single-mode external cavity diode laser using an intra-cavity atomic Faraday filter with short-term linewidth

We report on the development of a diode laser system - the “Faraday laser” - using an atomic Faraday filter as the frequency-selective element. In contrast to typical external-cavity diode laser systems which offer tunable output frequency but requir... Read More about A single-mode external cavity diode laser using an intra-cavity atomic Faraday filter with short-term linewidth <400 kHz and long-term stability of <1 MHz.

Excitation of knotted vortex lines in matter waves (2016)
Journal Article
Maucher, F., Gardiner, S., & Hughes, I. (2016). Excitation of knotted vortex lines in matter waves. New Journal of Physics, 18(6), Article 063016.

We study the creation of knotted ultracold matter waves in Bose–Einstein condensates via coherent two-photon Raman transitions with a Λ level configuration. The Raman transition allows an indirect transfer of atoms from the internal state $| a\rangle... Read More about Excitation of knotted vortex lines in matter waves.

Direct measurement of excited-state dipole matrix elements using electromagnetically induced transparency in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime (2016)
Journal Article
Whiting, D., Keaveney, J., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2016). Direct measurement of excited-state dipole matrix elements using electromagnetically induced transparency in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime. Physical Review A, 93(4), Article 043854.

Applying large magnetic fields to gain access to the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime can isolate three-level systems in a hot alkali metal vapors, thereby simplifying usually complex atom-light interactions. We use this method to make the first direct... Read More about Direct measurement of excited-state dipole matrix elements using electromagnetically induced transparency in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime.

Spectroscopic detection of atom-surface interactions in an atomic-vapor layer with nanoscale thickness (2015)
Journal Article
Whittaker, K., Keaveney, J., Hughes, I., Sargsyan, A., Sarkisyan, D., & Adams, C. (2015). Spectroscopic detection of atom-surface interactions in an atomic-vapor layer with nanoscale thickness. Physical Review A, 92(5), Article 052706.

We measure the resonance line shape of atomic-vapor layers with nanoscale thickness confined between two sapphire windows. The measurement is performed by scanning a probe laser through resonance and collecting the scattered light. The line shape is... Read More about Spectroscopic detection of atom-surface interactions in an atomic-vapor layer with nanoscale thickness.