Rancière and the re-distribution of the sensible: The artist Rosanna Raymond, dissensus and postcolonial sensibilities within the spaces of the museum
Journal Article
Tolia-Kelly, D. P. (2019). Rancière and the re-distribution of the sensible: The artist Rosanna Raymond, dissensus and postcolonial sensibilities within the spaces of the museum. Progress in Human Geography, 43(1), 123-140. https://doi.org/10.1177/0309132517739141
Through aesthetics we can articulate affective politics and demonstrate new ways of ‘doing’ progressive politics. This article explores the politics and practice of dissensus within the museum with artist Rosanna Raymond. The article argues that the... Read More about Rancière and the re-distribution of the sensible: The artist Rosanna Raymond, dissensus and postcolonial sensibilities within the spaces of the museum.