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All Outputs (16)

An emulator-based halo model in modified gravity – I. The halo concentration–mass relation and density profile (2023)
Journal Article
Ruan, C.-Z., Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Eggemeier, A., Li, B., Baugh, C. M., Arnold, C., Bose, S., Hernández-Aguayo, C., Zarrouk, P., & Davies, C. T. (2024). An emulator-based halo model in modified gravity – I. The halo concentration–mass relation and density profile. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(2), 2490–2507.

Fingerprints of modified gravity on galaxies in voids (2022)
Journal Article
Cataldi, P., Pedrosa, S., Padilla, N., Landau, S., Arnold, C., & Li, B. (2022). Fingerprints of modified gravity on galaxies in voids. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515(4), 5358-5374.

We search for detectable signatures of f(R) gravity and its chameleon screening mechanism in the baryonic and dark matter (DM) properties of simulated void galaxies. The enhancement of the gravitational acceleration can have a meaningful impact on th... Read More about Fingerprints of modified gravity on galaxies in voids.

Fast full N-body simulations of generic modified gravity: derivative coupling models (2022)
Journal Article
Hernández-Aguayo, C., Ruan, C.-Z., Li, B., Arnold, C., Baugh, C. M., Klypin, A., & Prada, F. (2022). Fast full N-body simulations of generic modified gravity: derivative coupling models. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2022, Article 048.

We present mg-glam, a code developed for the very fast production of full N-body cosmological simulations in modified gravity (MG) models. We describe the implementation, numerical tests and first results of a large suite of cosmological simulations... Read More about Fast full N-body simulations of generic modified gravity: derivative coupling models.

Making use of sub-resolution haloes in N-body simulations (2021)
Journal Article
Armijo, J., Baugh, C. M., Padilla, N. D., Norberg, P., & Arnold, C. (2022). Making use of sub-resolution haloes in N-body simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510(1), 29-33.

Conservative mass limits are often imposed on the dark matter halo catalogues extracted from N-body simulations. By comparing simulations with different mass resolutions, at z = 0 we find that even for haloes resolved by 100 particles, the lower reso... Read More about Making use of sub-resolution haloes in N-body simulations.

Towards testing the theory of gravity with DESI: summary statistics, model predictions and future simulation requirements (2021)
Journal Article
Alam, S., Arnold, C., Aviles, A., Bean, R., Cai, Y.-C., Cautun, M., Cervantes-Cota, J. L., Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Chandrachani Devi, N., Eggemeier, A., Fromenteau, S., Gonzalez-Morales, A. X., Halenka, V., He, J.-H., Hellwing, W. A., Hernandez-Aguayo, C., Ishak, M., Koyama, K., Li, B., de la Macorra, A., …Zheng, Y. (2021). Towards testing the theory of gravity with DESI: summary statistics, model predictions and future simulation requirements. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 11, Article 050.

Shortly after its discovery, General Relativity (GR) was applied to predict the behavior of our Universe on the largest scales, and later became the foundation of modern cosmology. Its validity has been verified on a range of scales and environments... Read More about Towards testing the theory of gravity with DESI: summary statistics, model predictions and future simulation requirements.

A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters IV: cluster and halo properties in DGP gravity (2021)
Journal Article
Mitchell, M. A., Hernández-Aguayo, C., Arnold, C., & Li, B. (2021). A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters IV: cluster and halo properties in DGP gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508(3), 4140-4156.

We study and model the properties of galaxy clusters in the normal-branch Dvali–Gabadadze–Porrati (nDGP) model of gravity, which is representative of a wide class of theories that exhibit the Vainshtein screening mechanism. Using the first cosmologic... Read More about A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters IV: cluster and halo properties in DGP gravity.

Galaxy formation in the brane world I: overview and first results (2021)
Journal Article
Hernández-Aguayo, C., Arnold, C., Li, B., & Baugh, C. M. (2021). Galaxy formation in the brane world I: overview and first results. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503(3), 3867-3885.

We carry out ‘full-physics’ hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation in the normal-branch Dvali–Gabadadze–Porrati (nDGP) braneworld model using a new modified version of the AREPO code and the IllustrisTNG galaxy formation model. We simulate tw... Read More about Galaxy formation in the brane world I: overview and first results.

A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters III: observable-mass scaling relations in f(R) gravity (2021)
Journal Article
Mitchell, M. A., Arnold, C., & Li, B. (2021). A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters III: observable-mass scaling relations in f(R) gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 502(4), 6101-6116.

We test two methods, including one that is newly proposed in this work, for correcting for the effects of chameleon f(R) gravity on the scaling relations between the galaxy cluster mass and four observable proxies. Using the first suite of cosmologic... Read More about A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters III: observable-mass scaling relations in f(R) gravity.

The impact of modified gravity on the Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect (2020)
Journal Article
Mitchell, M. A., Arnold, C., Hernández-Aguayo, C., & Li, B. (2021). The impact of modified gravity on the Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 501(3), 4565-4578.

We study the effects of two popular modified gravity theories, which incorporate very different screening mechanisms, on the angular power spectra of the thermal (tSZ) and kinematic (kSZ) components of the Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect. Using the first co... Read More about The impact of modified gravity on the Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect.

Realistic simulations of galaxy formation in f(R) modified gravity (2019)
Journal Article
Arnold, C., Leo, M., & Li, B. (2019). Realistic simulations of galaxy formation in f(R) modified gravity. Nature Astronomy, 3(10), 945-954.

Future astronomical surveys will gather information that will allow gravity to be tested on cosmological scales, where general relativity is currently poorly constrained. We present a set of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations that follow galaxy... Read More about Realistic simulations of galaxy formation in f(R) modified gravity.

A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters II: A universal model for the halo concentration in f(R) gravity (2019)
Journal Article
Mitchell, M. A., Arnold, C., He, J.-H., & Li, B. (2019). A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters II: A universal model for the halo concentration in f(R) gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 487(1), 1410-1425.

We present a novel fitting formula for the halo concentration enhancement in chameleon f(R) gravity relative to General Relativity (GR). The formula is derived by employing a large set of N-body simulations of the Hu-Sawicki f(R) model which cover a... Read More about A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters II: A universal model for the halo concentration in f(R) gravity.

The modified gravity light-cone simulation project – I. Statistics of matter and halo distributions (2018)
Journal Article
Arnold, C., Fosalba, P., Springel, V., Puchwein, E., & Blot, L. (2019). The modified gravity light-cone simulation project – I. Statistics of matter and halo distributions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483(1), 790-805.

We introduce a set of four very high resolution cosmological simulations exploring f(R) gravity, with 20483 particles in 768 and 1536h−1Mpc simulation boxes, for |f¯R0|=10−5 and Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM), making the set the largest simulations of f(R... Read More about The modified gravity light-cone simulation project – I. Statistics of matter and halo distributions.

Imprints of Chameleon f(R) Gravity on Galaxy Rotation Curves (2018)
Journal Article
Naik, A. P., Puchwein, E., Davis, A.-C., & Arnold, C. (2018). Imprints of Chameleon f(R) Gravity on Galaxy Rotation Curves. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480(4), 5211-5225.

Current constraints on gravity are relatively weak on galactic and intergalactic scales. Screened modified gravity models can exhibit complex behaviour there without violating stringent tests of gravity within our Solar System. They might hence provi... Read More about Imprints of Chameleon f(R) Gravity on Galaxy Rotation Curves.