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All Outputs (39)

Apostle–Auriga: Effects of stellar feedback subgrid models on the evolution of angular momentum in disc galaxies (2024)
Journal Article
Yang, H., Liao, S., Fattahi, A., Frenk, C. S., Gao, L., Guo, Q., Shao, S., Wang, L., Wright, R. J., & Zeng, G. (2024). Apostle–Auriga: Effects of stellar feedback subgrid models on the evolution of angular momentum in disc galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 535(2), 1394-1405.

Utilizing the Apostle–Auriga simulations, which start from the same zoom-in initial conditions of Local Group-like systems but run with different galaxy formation subgrid models and hydrodynamic solvers, we study the impact of stellar feedback models... Read More about Apostle–Auriga: Effects of stellar feedback subgrid models on the evolution of angular momentum in disc galaxies.

ARTEMIS emulator: exploring the effect of cosmology and galaxy formation physics on Milky Way-mass haloes and their satellites (2024)
Journal Article
Brown, S. T., Fattahi, A., McCarthy, I. G., Font, A. S., Oman, K. A., & Riley, A. H. (2024). ARTEMIS emulator: exploring the effect of cosmology and galaxy formation physics on Milky Way-mass haloes and their satellites. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532(2), 1223-1240.

We present the new ARTEMIS emulator suite of high-resolution (baryon mass of 2.23 × 104h−1 M⊙) zoom-in simulations of Milky Way-mass systems. Here, three haloes from the original ARTEMIS sample have been rerun multiple times, systematically varying p... Read More about ARTEMIS emulator: exploring the effect of cosmology and galaxy formation physics on Milky Way-mass haloes and their satellites.

Pre-supernova stellar feedback in nearby starburst dwarf galaxies (2024)
Journal Article
McLeod, A. F., Fattahi, A., Belfiore, F., Rowland, L. E., Cresci, G., Hunt, L., …Venturi, G. (2024). Pre-supernova stellar feedback in nearby starburst dwarf galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 685, Article A46.

Context. Stellar feedback in dwarf galaxies remains, to date, poorly explored, yet is crucial to understanding galaxy evolution in the early Universe. In particular, pre-supernova feedback has recently been found to play a significant role in regulat... Read More about Pre-supernova stellar feedback in nearby starburst dwarf galaxies.

Are there any extragalactic high speed dark matter particles in the Solar neighborhood? (2024)
Journal Article
Santos-Santos, I., Bozorgnia, N., Fattahi, A., & Navarro, J. F. (2024). Are there any extragalactic high speed dark matter particles in the Solar neighborhood?. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2024(03), Article 046.

We use the APOSTLE suite of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of the Local Group to examine the high speed tail of the local dark matter velocity distribution in simulated Milky Way analogues. The velocity distribution in the Solar neighborhood... Read More about Are there any extragalactic high speed dark matter particles in the Solar neighborhood?.

Exploring the diversity and similarity of radially anisotropic Milky Way-like stellar haloes: implications for disrupted dwarf galaxy searches (2023)
Journal Article
Orkney, M. D. A., Laporte, C. F. P., Grand, R. J. J., Gómez, F. A., van de Voort, F., Fattahi, A., …Springel, V. (2023). Exploring the diversity and similarity of radially anisotropic Milky Way-like stellar haloes: implications for disrupted dwarf galaxy searches. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525(1), 683-705.

Velocity-dependent J-factors for Milky Way dwarf spheroidal analogues in cosmological simulations (2023)
Journal Article
Blanchette, K., Piccirillo, E., Bozorgnia, N., Strigari, L. E., Fattahi, A., Frenk, C. S., Navarro, J. F., & Sawala, T. (2023). Velocity-dependent J-factors for Milky Way dwarf spheroidal analogues in cosmological simulations. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2023(03), Article 021.

We study the impact of the dark matter velocity distribution modelling on signals from velocity-dependent dark matter annihilation in Milky Way dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Using the high resolution APOSTLE simulations, we identify analogues correspond... Read More about Velocity-dependent J-factors for Milky Way dwarf spheroidal analogues in cosmological simulations.

Unravelling the mass spectrum of destroyed dwarf galaxies with the metallicity distribution function (2023)
Journal Article
Deason, A. J., Koposov, S. E., Fattahi, A., & Grand, R. J. (2023). Unravelling the mass spectrum of destroyed dwarf galaxies with the metallicity distribution function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520(4), 6091-6103.

Accreted stellar populations are comprised of the remnants of destroyed galaxies, and often dominate the ‘stellar haloes’ of galaxies such as the Milky Way (MW). This ensemble of external contributors is a key indicator of the past assembly history o... Read More about Unravelling the mass spectrum of destroyed dwarf galaxies with the metallicity distribution function.

Energy wrinkles and phase-space folds of the last major merger (2022)
Journal Article
Belokurov, V., Vasiliev, E., Deason, A. J., Koposov, S. E., Fattahi, A., Dillamore, A. M., Davies, E. Y., & Grand, R. J. (2023). Energy wrinkles and phase-space folds of the last major merger. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(4), 6200-6215.

Relying on the dramatic increase in the number of stars with full 6D phase-space information provided by the Gaia Data Release 3, we resolve the distribution of the stellar halo around the Sun to uncover signatures of incomplete phase-mixing. We show... Read More about Energy wrinkles and phase-space folds of the last major merger.

Observing EAGLE galaxies with JWST: predictions for Milky Way progenitors and their building blocks (2022)
Journal Article
Evans, T. A., Fattahi, A., Deason, A. J., & Frenk, C. S. (2022). Observing EAGLE galaxies with JWST: predictions for Milky Way progenitors and their building blocks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516(3), 3861-3877.

We present predictions, derived from the EAGLE ΛCDM cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, for the abundance and properties of galaxies expected to be detected at high redshift by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). We consider the galaxy popula... Read More about Observing EAGLE galaxies with JWST: predictions for Milky Way progenitors and their building blocks.

Baryonic solutions and challenges for cosmological models of dwarf galaxies (2022)
Journal Article
Sales, L. V., Wetzel, A., & Fattahi, A. (2022). Baryonic solutions and challenges for cosmological models of dwarf galaxies. Nature Astronomy, 6(8), 897-910.

Galaxies and their dark-matter haloes have posed several challenges to the dark energy plus cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmological model. These discrepancies between observations and theory intensify for the lowest-mass (‘dwarf’) galaxies. ΛCDM predict... Read More about Baryonic solutions and challenges for cosmological models of dwarf galaxies.

Galactic tides and the Crater II dwarf spheroidal: a challenge to LCDM? (2022)
Journal Article
Borukhovetskaya, A., Navarro, J. F., Errani, R., & Fattahi, A. (2022). Galactic tides and the Crater II dwarf spheroidal: a challenge to LCDM?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512(4), 5247-5257.

The unusually low velocity dispersion and large size of Crater II pose a challenge to our understanding of dwarf galaxies in the Lambda cold dark matter (LCDM) cosmogony. The low velocity dispersion suggests either a dark halo mass much lower than th... Read More about Galactic tides and the Crater II dwarf spheroidal: a challenge to LCDM?.

The tidal evolution of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal and its globular clusters (2021)
Journal Article
Borukhovetskaya, A., Errani, R., Navarro, J. F., Fattahi, A., & Santos-Santos, I. (2022). The tidal evolution of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal and its globular clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509(4), 5330-5339.

The dark matter content of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy inferred from its kinematics is substantially lower than expected from LCDM cosmological simulations. We use N-body simulations to examine whether this may be the result of Galactic tides.... Read More about The tidal evolution of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal and its globular clusters.

Magellanic satellites in ΛCDM cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of the Local Group (2021)
Journal Article
Santos-Santos, I. M., Fattahi, A., Sales, L. V., & Navarro, J. F. (2021). Magellanic satellites in ΛCDM cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of the Local Group. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 504(3), 4551-4567.

We use the APOSTLE ΛCDM cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of the Local Group to study the recent accretion of massive satellites into the halo of Milky Way (MW)-sized galaxies. These systems are selected to be close analogues to the Large Magel... Read More about Magellanic satellites in ΛCDM cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of the Local Group.

Velocity-dependent J-factors for annihilation radiation from cosmological simulations (2021)
Journal Article
Board, E., Bozorgnia, N., Strigari, L. E., Grand, R. J., Fattahi, A., Frenk, C. S., Marinacci, F., Navarro, J. F., & Oman, K. A. (2021). Velocity-dependent J-factors for annihilation radiation from cosmological simulations. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2021(04), Article 070.

We determine the dark matter pair-wise relative velocity distribution in a set of Milky Way-like halos in the Auriga and APOSTLE simulations. Focusing on the smooth halo component, the relative velocity distribution is well-described by a Maxwell-Bol... Read More about Velocity-dependent J-factors for annihilation radiation from cosmological simulations.

Observing the Stellar Halo of Andromeda in Cosmological Simulations: The AURIGA2PANDAS Pipeline (2021)
Journal Article
Thomas, G. F., Martin, N. F., Fattahi, A., Ibata, R. A., Helly, J., McConnachie, A. W., Frenk, C., Gómez, F. A., Grand, R. J., Gwyn, S., Mackey, D., Marinacci, F., & Pakmor, R. (2021). Observing the Stellar Halo of Andromeda in Cosmological Simulations: The AURIGA2PANDAS Pipeline. Astrophysical Journal, 910(2), Article 92.

We present a direct comparison of the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey (PAndAS) observations of the stellar halo of M31 with the stellar halos of six galaxies from the Auriga simulations. We process the simulated halos through the Auriga2PAndAS pi... Read More about Observing the Stellar Halo of Andromeda in Cosmological Simulations: The AURIGA2PANDAS Pipeline.

The mass of the Milky Way out to 100 kpc using halo stars (2020)
Journal Article
Deason, A. J., Erkal, D., Belokurov, V., Fattahi, A., Gómez, F. A., Grand, R. J., Pakmor, R., Xue, X.-X., Liu, C., Yang, C., Zhang, L., & Zhao, G. (2021). The mass of the Milky Way out to 100 kpc using halo stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 501(4), 5964-5972.

We use a distribution function analysis to estimate the mass of the Milky Way (MW) out to 100 kpc using a large sample of halo stars. These stars are compiled from the literature, and the vast majority (⁠∼98 per cent⁠) have 6D phase-space information... Read More about The mass of the Milky Way out to 100 kpc using halo stars.

Stellar splashback: the edge of the intracluster light (2020)
Journal Article
Deason, A. J., Oman, K. A., Fattahi, A., Schaller, M., Jauzac, M., Zhang, Y., Montes, M., Bahé, Y. M., Dalla Vecchia, C., Kay, S. T., & Evans, T. A. (2021). Stellar splashback: the edge of the intracluster light. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500(3), 4181-4192.

We examine the outskirts of galaxy clusters in the C-EAGLE simulations to quantify the ‘edges’ of the stellar and dark matter distribution. The radius of the steepest slope in the dark matter, commonly used as a proxy for the splashback radius, is lo... Read More about Stellar splashback: the edge of the intracluster light.

Local group star formation in warm and self-interacting dark matter cosmologies (2020)
Journal Article
Lovell, M., Hellwing, W., Ludlow, A., Zavala, J., Robertson, A., Fattahi, A., Frenk, C., & Hardwick, J. (2020). Local group star formation in warm and self-interacting dark matter cosmologies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 498(1), 702-717.

The nature of the dark matter can affect the collapse time of dark matter haloes, and can therefore be imprinted in observables such as the stellar population ages and star formation histories of dwarf galaxies. In this paper, we use high-resolution... Read More about Local group star formation in warm and self-interacting dark matter cosmologies.