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All Outputs (56)

Studying Those Who Study Children: Children’s Subjectivity between Epistemology and Ethics (2020)
Journal Article
Byford, A. (2020). Studying Those Who Study Children: Children’s Subjectivity between Epistemology and Ethics. Forum for anthropology and culture, 16, 28-37.

his discussion is dedicated to the question of whether it is possible to overcome the power asymmetry between researchers and their subjects in the study of childhood, or at the very least to reduce the gulf between researchers and the objects of the... Read More about Studying Those Who Study Children: Children’s Subjectivity between Epistemology and Ethics.

Pedology as Occupation in the Early Soviet Union (2020)
Book Chapter
Byford, A. (2020). Pedology as Occupation in the Early Soviet Union. In A. Yasnitsky (Ed.), A history of Marxist psychology : the Golden Age of Soviet science (109-127). Routledge.

Pedology experienced remarkable institutional expansion in the Soviet Union during the 1920s in the context of the Bolsheviks’ efforts to build a new, universal and progressive system of education, healthcare and child welfare. This chapter demonstra... Read More about Pedology as Occupation in the Early Soviet Union.

Introduction: Transnationalizing Russian Studies (2020)
Book Chapter
Byford, A., Doak, C., & Hutchings, S. (2020). Introduction: Transnationalizing Russian Studies. In A. Byford, C. Doak, & S. Hutchings (Eds.), Transnational Russian studies (1-34). Liverpool University Press.

This is the introduction to the volume Transnational Russian Studies (Liverpool University Press, 2019), edited by A. Byford, C. Doak and S. Hutchings. In it, the authors argue for an approach to research and teaching in Russian Studies that is based... Read More about Introduction: Transnationalizing Russian Studies.

Transnational Russian Studies (2019)
Byford, A., Doak, C., & Hutchings, S. (Eds.). (2019). Transnational Russian Studies. Liverpool University Press

Transnational Exopolities: Politics in Post-Soviet Migration (2018)
Journal Article
Byford, A., & Bronnikova, O. (2018). Transnational Exopolities: Politics in Post-Soviet Migration. Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest, 49(4), 5-25

The long history of emigration from the Russian empire and the Soviet Union has been consistently political in nature. It was mostly governed by political decisions and events, irrespective of whether those migrating were explicitly engaged in politi... Read More about Transnational Exopolities: Politics in Post-Soviet Migration.

Between Neo-nationalizing Russia and Brexit Britain: The Dilemmas of Russian Migrants’ Political Mobilizations (2018)
Journal Article
Morgunova, O., & Byford, A. (2018). Between Neo-nationalizing Russia and Brexit Britain: The Dilemmas of Russian Migrants’ Political Mobilizations. Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest, 49(4), 129-161

The article analyses the evolution, during the 2000s and 2010s, of civic engagement and political mobilization of post-Soviet Russian-speaking migrants living in the UK, and highlights the importance of these migrants’ inherently transnational positi... Read More about Between Neo-nationalizing Russia and Brexit Britain: The Dilemmas of Russian Migrants’ Political Mobilizations.

Lechebnaia pedagogika: The Concept and Practice of Therapy in Russian Defectology, c. 1880–1936 (2017)
Journal Article
Byford, A. (2018). Lechebnaia pedagogika: The Concept and Practice of Therapy in Russian Defectology, c. 1880–1936. Medical History, 62(1), 67-90.

Therapy is not simply a domain or form of medical practice, but also a metaphor for and a performance of medicine, of its functions and status, of its distinctive mode of action upon the world. This article examines medical treatment or therapy (in R... Read More about Lechebnaia pedagogika: The Concept and Practice of Therapy in Russian Defectology, c. 1880–1936.

The Imperfect Child in Early Twentieth-Century Russia (2017)
Journal Article
Byford, A. (2017). The Imperfect Child in Early Twentieth-Century Russia. History of Education, 46(5), 595-617.

The article discusses the role that conceptualisations of child ‘imperfection’ played in the rise and fall of Russian ‘child study’ between the 1900s and the 1930s. Drawing on Georges Canguilhem’s ideas on ‘the normal’ and ‘the pathological’, the art... Read More about The Imperfect Child in Early Twentieth-Century Russia.

Imperial Normativities and the Sciences of the Child: The Politics of Development in the USSR, 1920s-1930s (2016)
Journal Article
Byford, A. (2016). Imperial Normativities and the Sciences of the Child: The Politics of Development in the USSR, 1920s-1930s. Ab imperio, 2016(2), 71-124.

Between the mid-1920s and the mid-1930s, Soviet researchers in child biopsychosocial development became especially interested in the question of ethnoracial differences in the Soviet child population. During the First Five-Year Plan a specialist suba... Read More about Imperial Normativities and the Sciences of the Child: The Politics of Development in the USSR, 1920s-1930s.

Trauma and Pathology: Normative Crises and the Child Population in Late Tsarist Russia and the Early Soviet Union, 1904-1924 (2016)
Journal Article
Byford, A. (2016). Trauma and Pathology: Normative Crises and the Child Population in Late Tsarist Russia and the Early Soviet Union, 1904-1924. Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, 9(3), 450-469.

Focusing on the major sociopolitical upheavals of the first quarter of the twentieth century in Russia, this article examines the key contexts in which children became objects of mass intervention in the midst and aftermath of a succession of wars an... Read More about Trauma and Pathology: Normative Crises and the Child Population in Late Tsarist Russia and the Early Soviet Union, 1904-1924.

Sozdavaia "modernost"' = Doing "Modernity" (2016)
Journal Article
Byford, A. (2016). Sozdavaia "modernost"' = Doing "Modernity". Новое литературное обозрение. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 140(4), 65-67