1-in-3 vs. Not-All-Equal: Dichotomy of a broken promise
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ciardo, L., Kozik, M., Krokhin, A., Nakajima, T.-V., & Živný, S. (2024, July). 1-in-3 vs. Not-All-Equal: Dichotomy of a broken promise. Presented at LICS '24: 39th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Tallinn Estonia
The 1-in-3 and Not-All-Eqal satisfiability problems for Boolean CNF formulas are two well-known NP-hard problems. In contrast, the promise 1-in-3 vs. Not-All-Eqal problem can be solved in polynomial time. In the present work, we investigate this cons... Read More about 1-in-3 vs. Not-All-Equal: Dichotomy of a broken promise.