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All Outputs (73)

Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: systematic review (2003)
Journal Article
Raghunath, A., Hungin, A., Wooff, D., & Childs, S. (2003). Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: systematic review. eBMJ (London), 326(7392), 737-739.

Objectives: To ascertain the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and its association with the disease. Design: Systematic review of studies reporting the prevalence of H pylori in patients with and wit... Read More about Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: systematic review.

Barriers to accurate diagnosis and effective management of heart failure in primary care: qualitative study (2003)
Journal Article
Fuat, A., Hungin, A., & Murphy, J. (2003). Barriers to accurate diagnosis and effective management of heart failure in primary care: qualitative study. eBMJ (London), 326(7382), 196-200.

Objective: To ascertain the beliefs, current practices, and decision making of general practitioners in the diagnosis and management of suspected heart failure in primary care, with a view to identifying barriers to good care. Design: A qualitative a... Read More about Barriers to accurate diagnosis and effective management of heart failure in primary care: qualitative study.

Impaired glucose tolerance: qualitative and quantitative study of general practitioners' knowledge and perceptions (2002)
Journal Article
Wylie, G., Hungin, A., & Neely, J. (2002). Impaired glucose tolerance: qualitative and quantitative study of general practitioners' knowledge and perceptions. eBMJ (London), 324(7347), 1190 -1196.

Objective: To investigate general practitioners' knowledge of and attitudes to impaired glucose tolerance. Design: Mixed methodology qualitative and quantitative study with semistructured interviews, focus groups, and questionnaires. Setting: 34 gene... Read More about Impaired glucose tolerance: qualitative and quantitative study of general practitioners' knowledge and perceptions.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Overused or underused in osteoarthritis? (2001)
Journal Article
Hungin, A., & Kean, W. (2001). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Overused or underused in osteoarthritis?. American Journal of Medicine, 110(1A), 8S-11S.

Arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders are common. Arthritis currently accounts for 2% to 3% of all cases of disability, and the numbers are rising. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used, with 75 million prescriptions annuall... Read More about Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Overused or underused in osteoarthritis?.

Future provision of out of hours primary medical care: a survey with two general practitioner research networks (1996)
Journal Article
Lattimer, V., Smith, H., Hungin, P., Glasper, A., & George, S. (1996). Future provision of out of hours primary medical care: a survey with two general practitioner research networks. eBMJ (London), 312(7027), 352-356.

Objective: To ascertain general practitioners' views about the future provision of out of hours primary medical care. Design: Self completing postal questionnaire survey. Setting: Wessex and north east England. Subjects: 116 general practitioners in... Read More about Future provision of out of hours primary medical care: a survey with two general practitioner research networks.

Reasons for variations in the use of open access gastroscopy by general practitioners (1995)
Journal Article
Hungin, A., Bramble, M., & O'Callaghan, H. (1995). Reasons for variations in the use of open access gastroscopy by general practitioners. Gut, 36(2), 180-182.

This study aimed to investigate the wide variation between general practitioners (GPs) in their use of open access gastroscopy by assessing (i) their partnership share, workload, and the aggregated practice request rate; (ii) correlations with their... Read More about Reasons for variations in the use of open access gastroscopy by general practitioners.

Fedotozine in Functional Dyspepsia: Results of a six week placebo-controlled multicentre trial (1995)
Journal Article
Abitbol, J., Read, N., Bardhan, K., Whorwell, P., Hungin, A., Scherrer, B., & Fraitag, B. (1995). Fedotozine in Functional Dyspepsia: Results of a six week placebo-controlled multicentre trial. Gut, 37(Supplement 2 ; part 2),

Efficacy and safety of fedotozine (FZ), a peripheral K agonist, were compared to that of placebo (PL) in patients with functional dyspepsia. Methods. A phase Ill, double blind, parallel group trial was carried out in UK and Eire by 25 hospital or gen... Read More about Fedotozine in Functional Dyspepsia: Results of a six week placebo-controlled multicentre trial.

A request for certification (1989)
Journal Article
Hungin, A., Brill, M., & Wenley, M. (1989). A request for certification. Practitioner, 233(1477),

Discrepancies in the availability of open access services: comparison between the Northern and Oxford regions (1988)
Journal Article
Douglass, R., & Hungin, A. (1988). Discrepancies in the availability of open access services: comparison between the Northern and Oxford regions. Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 38(306), 28-29

General practitioners have long been aware of variations in the range of open access services available to them.This study compares the availability of 22 open access services in the Northern and Oxford regions and examines possible reasons for varia... Read More about Discrepancies in the availability of open access services: comparison between the Northern and Oxford regions.

Use of an open-access gastroscopy service by a general practice: findings and subsequent specialist referral rate (1987)
Journal Article
Hungin, A. (1987). Use of an open-access gastroscopy service by a general practice: findings and subsequent specialist referral rate. Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 37(297), 170-171

An analysis of 102 open-access gastroscopy requests from one general practice over 38 months showed that the detection rate of abnormalities was 58%. Even though no predetermined investigation criteria were used these results compare favourably with... Read More about Use of an open-access gastroscopy service by a general practice: findings and subsequent specialist referral rate.