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EIGER. VI. The Correlation Function, Host Halo Mass, and Duty Cycle of Luminous Quasars at z ≳ 6

Eilers, Anna-Christina; Mackenzie, Ruari; Pizzati, Elia; Matthee, Jorryt; Hennawi, Joseph F.; Zhang, Haowen; Bordoloi, Rongmon; Kashino, Daichi; Lilly, Simon J.; Naidu, Rohan P.; Simcoe, Robert A.; Yue, Minghao; Frenk, Carlos S.; Helly, John C.; Schaller, Matthieu; Schaye, Joop

EIGER. VI. The Correlation Function, Host Halo Mass, and Duty Cycle of Luminous Quasars at z ≳ 6 Thumbnail


Anna-Christina Eilers

Ruari Mackenzie

Elia Pizzati

Jorryt Matthee

Joseph F. Hennawi

Haowen Zhang

Rongmon Bordoloi

Daichi Kashino

Simon J. Lilly

Rohan P. Naidu

Robert A. Simcoe

Minghao Yue

Joop Schaye


We expect luminous (M 1450 ≲ −26.5) high-redshift quasars to trace the highest-density peaks in the early Universe. Here, we present observations of four z ≳ 6 quasar fields using JWST/NIRCam in the imaging and wide-field slitless spectroscopy mode and report a wide range in the number of detected [O iii]-emitting galaxies in the quasars’ environments, ranging between a density enhancement of δ ≈ 65 within a 2 cMpc radius—one of the largest protoclusters during the Epoch of Reionization discovered to date—to a density contrast consistent with zero, indicating the presence of a UV-luminous quasar in a region comparable to the average density of the Universe. By measuring the two-point cross-correlation function of quasars and their surrounding galaxies, as well as the galaxy autocorrelation function, we infer a correlation length of quasars at 〈z〉 = 6.25 of r0QQ=22.0−2.9+3.0cMpch−1 , while we obtain a correlation length of the [O iii]-emitting galaxies of r0GG=4.1±0.3cMpch−1 . By comparing the correlation functions to dark-matter-only simulations we estimate the minimum mass of the quasars’ host dark matter halos to be log10(Mhalo, min/M⊙)=12.43−0.15+0.13 (and log10(Mhalo, min[OIII]/M⊙)=10.56−0.03+0.05 for the [O iii] emitters), indicating that (a) luminous quasars do not necessarily reside within the most overdense regions in the early Universe, and that (b) the UV-luminous duty cycle of quasar activity at these redshifts is f duty ≪ 1. Such short quasar activity timescales challenge our understanding of early supermassive black hole growth and provide evidence for highly dust-obscured growth phases or episodic, radiatively inefficient accretion rates.


Eilers, A.-C., Mackenzie, R., Pizzati, E., Matthee, J., Hennawi, J. F., Zhang, H., Bordoloi, R., Kashino, D., Lilly, S. J., Naidu, R. P., Simcoe, R. A., Yue, M., Frenk, C. S., Helly, J. C., Schaller, M., & Schaye, J. (2024). EIGER. VI. The Correlation Function, Host Halo Mass, and Duty Cycle of Luminous Quasars at z ≳ 6. The Astrophysical Journal, 974(2), Article 275.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 3, 2024
Online Publication Date Oct 17, 2024
Publication Date Oct 20, 2024
Deposit Date Oct 25, 2024
Publicly Available Date Oct 25, 2024
Journal The Astrophysical Journal
Electronic ISSN 1538-4357
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 974
Issue 2
Article Number 275
Keywords Astrostatistics techniques, Supermassive black holes, Galaxy dark matter halos, High-redshift galaxy clusters, Quasars, Large-scale structure of the universe, Clustering
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