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Deciphering the impact of PROM1 alternative splicing on human photoreceptor development and maturation.

Moya-Molina, Marina; Dorgau, Birthe; Flood, Emily; Letteboer, Stef J F; Lorentzen, Esben; Coxhead, Jonathan; Smith, Graham; Roepman, Ronald; Nagaraja Grellscheid, Sushma; Armstrong, Lyle; Lako, Majlinda

Deciphering the impact of PROM1 alternative splicing on human photoreceptor development and maturation. Thumbnail


Marina Moya-Molina

Birthe Dorgau

Emily Flood

Stef J F Letteboer

Esben Lorentzen

Jonathan Coxhead

Graham Smith

Ronald Roepman

Lyle Armstrong

Majlinda Lako


Alternative splicing (AS) is a crucial mechanism contributing to proteomic diversity, which is highly regulated in tissue- and development-specific patterns. Retinal tissue exhibits one of the highest levels of AS. In particular, photoreceptors have a distinctive AS pattern involving the inclusion of microexons not found in other cell types. PROM1 whose encoded protein Prominin-1 is located in photoreceptor outer segments (OSs), undergoes exon 4 inclusion from the 12 post-conception week of human development through adulthood. Exon 4 skipping in PROM1 is associated with late-onset mild maculopathy, however its role in photoreceptor maturation and function is unknown. In this study retinal organoids, a valuable model system, were employed in combination with phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligos (PMOs) to assess the role of exon 4 AS in the development of human retina. Retinal organoids were treated with the PMOs for four weeks after which RT-PCR, western blotting and immunofluorescence analysis were performed to assess exon 4 exclusion and its impact on photoreceptors. The transcriptome of treated ROs was studied by bulk RNA-Seq. Our data demonstrate that 55% skipping of PROM1 exon 4 resulted in decreased Prominin-1 expression by 40%, abnormal accumulation of cones in the basal side of the retinal organoids as well as detectable cone photoreceptor cilium defects. Transcriptomic and western blot analyses revealed decreased expression of cone, inner segment and connecting cilium basal body markers, increased expression of genes associated with stress response and the ubiquitin-proteasome system, and downregulation of autophagy. Importantly, the use of retinal organoids provides a valuable platform to study AS and unravel disease mechanisms in a more physiologically relevant context, opening avenues for further research and potential therapeutic interventions. Together our data indicate that cones may be more sensitive to PROM1 exon 4 skipping and/or reduced Prominin-1 expression, corroborating the pathogenesis of late-onset mild maculopathy. [Abstract copyright: © 2024. The Author(s).]


Moya-Molina, M., Dorgau, B., Flood, E., Letteboer, S. J. F., Lorentzen, E., Coxhead, J., Smith, G., Roepman, R., Nagaraja Grellscheid, S., Armstrong, L., & Lako, M. (2024). Deciphering the impact of PROM1 alternative splicing on human photoreceptor development and maturation. Cell Death and Disease, 15(10), Article 721.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 23, 2024
Online Publication Date Oct 1, 2024
Publication Date 2024-10
Deposit Date Oct 25, 2024
Publicly Available Date Oct 25, 2024
Journal Cell death & disease
Electronic ISSN 2041-4889
Publisher Springer Nature
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 15
Issue 10
Article Number 721
Keywords Humans, Retina - metabolism - growth & development, Photoreceptor Cells, Vertebrate - metabolism, AC133 Antigen - metabolism - genetics, Alternative Splicing - genetics, Exons - genetics, Organoids - metabolism
Public URL


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