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Complexity Analysis of Generalized and Fractional Hypertree Decompositions

Gottlob, Georg; Lanzinger, Matthias; Pichler, Reinhard; Razgon, Igor


Georg Gottlob

Matthias Lanzinger

Reinhard Pichler


Hypertree decompositions (HDs), as well as the more powerful generalized hypertree decompositions (GHDs), and the yet more general fractional hypertree decompositions (FHDs) are hypergraph decomposition methods successfully used for answering conjunctive queries and for solving constraint satisfaction problems. Every hypergraph H has a width relative to each of these methods: its hypertree width hw(H), its generalized hypertree width ghw(H), and its fractional hypertree width fhw(H), respectively. It is known that hw(H)≤ k can be checked in polynomial time for fixed k, while checking ghw(H)≤ k is NP-complete for k ≥ 3. The complexity of checking fhw(H)≤ k for a fixed k has been open for over a decade.
We settle this open problem by showing that checking fhw(H)≤ k is NP-complete, even for k=2. The same construction allows us to prove also the NP-completeness of checking ghw(H)≤ k for k=2. After that, we identify meaningful restrictions that make checking for bounded ghw or fhw tractable or allow for an efficient approximation of the fhw.


Gottlob, G., Lanzinger, M., Pichler, R., & Razgon, I. (2021). Complexity Analysis of Generalized and Fractional Hypertree Decompositions. Journal of the ACM, 68(5), 1-50.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 1, 2021
Online Publication Date Sep 13, 2021
Publication Date Oct 31, 2021
Deposit Date Sep 27, 2024
Journal Journal of the ACM
Print ISSN 0004-5411
Electronic ISSN 1557-735X
Publisher Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 68
Issue 5
Article Number 38
Pages 1-50
Public URL