Maximilien Franco
Unveiling the Distant Universe: Characterizing z ≥ 9 Galaxies in the First Epoch of COSMOS-Web
Franco, Maximilien; Akins, Hollis B.; Casey, Caitlin M.; Finkelstein, Steven L.; Shuntov, Marko; Chworowsky, Katherine; Faisst, Andreas L.; Fujimoto, Seiji; Ilbert, Olivier; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Liu, Daizhong; Lovell, Christopher C.; Maraston, Claudia; McCracken, Henry Joy; McKinney, Jed; Robertson, Brant E.; Bagley, Micaela B.; Champagne, Jaclyn B.; Cooper, Olivia R.; Ding, Xuheng; Drakos, Nicole E.; Enia, Andrea; Gillman, Steven; Gozaliasl, Ghassem; Harish, Santosh; Hayward, Christopher C.; Hirschmann, Michaela; Jin, Shuowen; Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S.; Kokorev, Vasily; Laigle, Clotilde; Long, Arianna S.; Magdis, Georgios; Mahler, Guillaume; Martin, Crystal L.; Massey, Richard; Mobasher, Bahram; Paquereau, Louise; Renzini, Alvio; Rhodes, Jason; Rich, R. Michael; Sheth, Kartik; Silverman, John D.; Sparre, Martin; Talia, Margherita; Trakhtenbrot, Benny; Valentino, Francesco; Vijayan, Aswin P.; Wilkins, Stephen M.; Yang, Lilan; Zavala, Jorge A.
Hollis B. Akins
Caitlin M. Casey
Steven L. Finkelstein
Marko Shuntov
Katherine Chworowsky
Andreas L. Faisst
Seiji Fujimoto
Olivier Ilbert
Anton M. Koekemoer
Daizhong Liu
Christopher C. Lovell
Claudia Maraston
Henry Joy McCracken
Jed McKinney
Brant E. Robertson
Micaela B. Bagley
Jaclyn B. Champagne
Olivia R. Cooper
Xuheng Ding
Nicole E. Drakos
Andrea Enia
Steven Gillman
Ghassem Gozaliasl
Santosh Harish
Christopher C. Hayward
Michaela Hirschmann
Shuowen Jin
Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe
Vasily Kokorev
Clotilde Laigle
Arianna S. Long
Georgios Magdis
Dr Guillaume Mahler
Academic Visitor
Crystal L. Martin
Professor Richard Massey
Bahram Mobasher
Louise Paquereau
Alvio Renzini
Jason Rhodes
R. Michael Rich
Kartik Sheth
John D. Silverman
Martin Sparre
Margherita Talia
Benny Trakhtenbrot
Francesco Valentino
Aswin P. Vijayan
Stephen M. Wilkins
Lilan Yang
Jorge A. Zavala
We report the identification of 15 galaxy candidates at z ≥ 9 using the initial COSMOS-Web JWST observations over 77 arcmin2 through four Near Infrared Camera filters (F115W, F150W, F277W, and F444W) with an overlap with the Mid-Infrared Imager (F770W) of 8.7 arcmin2. We fit the sample using several publicly available spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting and photometric redshift codes and determine their redshifts between z = 9.3 and z = 10.9 (〈z〉 = 10.0), UV magnitudes between M UV = −21.2 and −19.5 (with 〈M UV〉 = −20.2), and rest-frame UV slopes (〈β〉 = −2.4). These galaxies are, on average, more luminous than most z ≥ 9 candidates discovered by JWST so far in the literature, while exhibiting similar blue colors in their rest-frame UV. The rest-frame UV slopes derived from SED fitting are blue (β ∼ [−2.0, −2.7]) without reaching extremely blue values as reported in other recent studies at these redshifts. The blue color is consistent with models that suggest the underlying stellar population is not yet fully enriched in metals like similarly luminous galaxies in the lower-redshift Universe. The derived stellar masses with 〈log10( M ⋆/M ⊙)〉 ≈ 8–9 are not in tension with the standard Lambda cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model, and our measurement of the volume density of such UV-luminous galaxies aligns well with previously measured values presented in the literature at z ∼ 9–10. Our sample of galaxies, although compact, is significantly resolved.
Franco, M., Akins, H. B., Casey, C. M., Finkelstein, S. L., Shuntov, M., Chworowsky, K., Faisst, A. L., Fujimoto, S., Ilbert, O., Koekemoer, A. M., Liu, D., Lovell, C. C., Maraston, C., McCracken, H. J., McKinney, J., Robertson, B. E., Bagley, M. B., Champagne, J. B., Cooper, O. R., Ding, X., …Zavala, J. A. (2024). Unveiling the Distant Universe: Characterizing z ≥ 9 Galaxies in the First Epoch of COSMOS-Web. The Astrophysical Journal, 973(1), Article 23.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Jul 1, 2024 |
Online Publication Date | Sep 12, 2024 |
Publication Date | Sep 20, 2024 |
Deposit Date | Sep 17, 2024 |
Publicly Available Date | Sep 18, 2024 |
Journal | The Astrophysical Journal |
Electronic ISSN | 1538-4357 |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 973 |
Issue | 1 |
Article Number | 23 |
DOI | |
Keywords | Galaxy formation, Early universe, Galaxy evolution, High-redshift galaxies |
Public URL | |
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