Dr Christine Howard christine.howard@durham.ac.uk
Assistant Professor
Local colonisations and extinctions of European birds are poorly explained by changes in climate suitability
Howard, Christine; Marjakangas, Emma-Liina; Morán-Ordóñez, Alejandra; Milanesi, Pietro; Abuladze, Aleksandre; Aghababyan, Karen; Ajder, Vitalie; Arkumarev, Volen; Balmer, Dawn E.; Bauer, Hans-Günther; Beale, Colin M.; Bino, Taulant; Boyla, Kerem Ali; Burfield, Ian J.; Burke, Brian; Caffrey, Brian; Chodkiewicz, Tomasz; Del Moral, Juan Carlos; Mazal, Vlatka Dumbovic; Fernández, Néstor; Fornasari, Lorenzo; Gerlach, Bettina; Godinho, Carlos; Herrando, Sergi; Ieronymidou, Christina; Johnston, Alison; Jovicevic, Mihailo; Kalyakin, Mikhail; Keller, Verena; Knaus, Peter; Kotrošan, Dražen; Kuzmenko, Tatiana; Leitão, Domingos; Lindström, Åke; Maxhuni, Qenan; Mihelič, Tomaž; Mikuska, Tibor; Molina, Blas; Nagy, Károly; Noble, David; Øien, Ingar Jostein; Paquet, Jean-Yves; Pladevall, Clara; Portolou, Danae; Radišić, Dimitrije; Rajkov, Saša; Rajković, Draženko Z.; Raudonikis, Liutauras; Sattler, Thomas; Saveljić, Darko; Shimmings, Paul; Sjenicic, Jovica; Šťastný, Karel; Stoychev, Stoycho; Strus, Iur...
Emma-Liina Marjakangas
Alejandra Morán-Ordóñez
Pietro Milanesi
Aleksandre Abuladze
Karen Aghababyan
Vitalie Ajder
Volen Arkumarev
Dawn E. Balmer
Hans-Günther Bauer
Colin M. Beale
Taulant Bino
Kerem Ali Boyla
Ian J. Burfield
Brian Burke
Brian Caffrey
Tomasz Chodkiewicz
Juan Carlos Del Moral
Vlatka Dumbovic Mazal
Néstor Fernández
Lorenzo Fornasari
Bettina Gerlach
Carlos Godinho
Sergi Herrando
Christina Ieronymidou
Alison Johnston
Mihailo Jovicevic
Mikhail Kalyakin
Verena Keller
Peter Knaus
Dražen Kotrošan
Tatiana Kuzmenko
Domingos Leitão
Åke Lindström
Qenan Maxhuni
Tomaž Mihelič
Tibor Mikuska
Blas Molina
Károly Nagy
David Noble
Ingar Jostein Øien
Jean-Yves Paquet
Clara Pladevall
Danae Portolou
Dimitrije Radišić
Saša Rajkov
Draženko Z. Rajković
Liutauras Raudonikis
Thomas Sattler
Darko Saveljić
Paul Shimmings
Jovica Sjenicic
Karel Šťastný
Stoycho Stoychev
Iurii Strus
Christoph Sudfeldt
Elchin Sultanov
Tibor Szép
Norbert Teufelbauer
Danka Uzunova
Chris A. M. van Turnhout
Metodija Velevski
Thomas Vikstrøm
Alexandre Vintchevski
Olga Voltzit
Petr Voříšek
Tomasz Wilk
Damaris Zurell
Lluís Brotons
Aleksi Lehikoinen
Professor Stephen Willis s.g.willis@durham.ac.uk
Climate change has been associated with both latitudinal and elevational shifts in species’ ranges. The extent, however, to which climate change has driven recent range shifts alongside other putative drivers remains uncertain. Here, we use the changing distributions of 378 European breeding bird species over 30 years to explore the putative drivers of recent range dynamics, considering the effects of climate, land cover, other environmental variables, and species’ traits on the probability of local colonisation and extinction. On average, species shifted their ranges by 2.4 km/year. These shifts, however, were significantly different from expectations due to changing climate and land cover. We found that local colonisation and extinction events were influenced primarily by initial climate conditions and by species’ range traits. By contrast, changes in climate suitability over the period were less important. This highlights the limitations of using only climate and land cover when projecting future changes in species’ ranges and emphasises the need for integrative, multi-predictor approaches for more robust forecasting.
Howard, C., Marjakangas, E., Morán-Ordóñez, A., Milanesi, P., Abuladze, A., Aghababyan, K., …Willis, S. G. (2023). Local colonisations and extinctions of European birds are poorly explained by changes in climate suitability. Nature Communications, 14(1), Article 4304. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-39093-1
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | May 23, 2023 |
Online Publication Date | Jul 20, 2023 |
Publication Date | 2023-07 |
Deposit Date | Oct 31, 2023 |
Publicly Available Date | Oct 31, 2023 |
Journal | Nature Communications |
Publisher | Nature Research |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 14 |
Issue | 1 |
Article Number | 4304 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-39093-1 |
Keywords | General Physics and Astronomy; General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; General Chemistry; Multidisciplinary |
Public URL | https://durham-repository.worktribe.com/output/1872645 |
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