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Novel adaptive optics with the Durham University ELECTRA system

Buscher, D.F.; Doel, A.P.; Andrews, N.; Dunlop, C.; Morris, P.W.; Myers, R.M.; Sharples, R.M.; Vick, A.J.A.; Zadrozny, A.; Haniff, C.A.; Wilson, R.W.


D.F. Buscher

A.P. Doel

N. Andrews

C. Dunlop

P.W. Morris

A.J.A. Vick

A. Zadrozny

C.A. Haniff


Buscher, D., Doel, A., Andrews, N., Dunlop, C., Morris, P., Myers, R., Sharples, R., Vick, A., Zadrozny, A., Haniff, C., & Wilson, R. (1996, December). Novel adaptive optics with the Durham University ELECTRA system

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Publication Date 1996
Pages 63-
Series Title Adaptive Optics
Public URL
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