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LM17.3 - a global
vertical land motion model of glacial isostatic adjustment.

Steffen, Holger; Li, Tanghua; Wu, Patrick; Gowan, Evan J.; Ivins, Erik; Lecavalier, Benoit; Tarasov, Lev; Whitehouse, Pippa L.


Holger Steffen

Tanghua Li

Patrick Wu

Evan J. Gowan

Erik Ivins

Benoit Lecavalier

Lev Tarasov


Additional models (W12, Whitehouse et al. 2012, and IJ05_R2, Ivins et al. 2013, for Antarctica; ANU-ICE, Lambeck et al. 2017, and NAIce, Gowan et al. 2016, for North America) were tested in the development of the model but not used in the end. Little ice age is not included nor any ice mass change during the last 100 years. The eustatic sea-level equivalent at last glacial maximum amounts to 113.8 m for all ice sheets and glaciers together. Because we use an ice model that has not been tuned to fit global constraints, it may highlight areas which cannot match commonly used GIA observations. However, we note that the earth model used in our calculations is different to the earth model used in the development of some regional ice models, e.g. HUY3, ANU-ICE, IJ04_Patagonia (see respective references), thus some differences can be related to this. The LM17.3 model was introduced in Jäggi et al. (2019), and its DDK5-filtered geoid and water heights can be found in the EGSIEM plotter ( The GIA model uses material compressibility and includes time-dependent coastlines and rotational feedback. The vertical land motion can be used/tested in sea-level investigations and projections. Work towards a model that incorporates 3D earth structure, and an updated ice model, is ongoing.


Steffen, H., Li, T., Wu, P., Gowan, E. J., Ivins, E., Lecavalier, B., …Whitehouse, P. L. (2021). vertical land motion model of glacial isostatic adjustment. [Dataset].

Publication Date 2021
Deposit Date Sep 16, 2021
Public URL