S.B Kroonenberg
Two deltas, two basins, one river, one sea: the modern Volga delta as an analogue of the Neogene Productive Series, South Caspian Basin.
Kroonenberg, S.B; Simmons, M.D; Alekseevski, N.I; Aliyeva, E; Allen, M.B; Aybulatov, D.N; Baba-Zadeh, A; Badyukova, E.N; Hinds, D.J; Huseynov, D; Ibrahimov , B; Mamedov, P; Overeem, I; Povalishnikova, E.N; Rusakov, G.V; Suleymanova, S; Svitoch, A.A
M.D Simmons
N.I Alekseevski
E Aliyeva
Professor Mark Allen m.b.allen@durham.ac.uk
D.N Aybulatov
A Baba-Zadeh
E.N Badyukova
D.J Hinds
D Huseynov
B Ibrahimov
P Mamedov
I Overeem
E.N Povalishnikova
G.V Rusakov
S Suleymanova
A.A Svitoch
Kroonenberg, S., Simmons, M., Alekseevski, N., Aliyeva, E., Allen, M., Aybulatov, D., Baba-Zadeh, A., Badyukova, E., Hinds, D., Huseynov, D., Ibrahimov, B., Mamedov, P., Overeem, I., Povalishnikova, E., Rusakov, G., Suleymanova, S., & Svitoch, A. (2005). Two deltas, two basins, one river, one sea: the modern Volga delta as an analogue of the Neogene Productive Series, South Caspian Basin. In SEPM memoir on deltaic sedimentation
Publication Date | 2005 |
Book Title | SEPM memoir on deltaic sedimentation |
Public URL | https://durham-repository.worktribe.com/output/1691459 |
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