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Now we're cooking: heat induced changes in bone and their diagenetic consequences.

Roberts, S.; Collins, M.; Millard, A.; Payne, S.


S. Roberts

M. Collins

S. Payne


R. Larsen


Roberts, S., Collins, M., Millard, A., & Payne, S. (1999). Now we're cooking: heat induced changes in bone and their diagenetic consequences. In R. Larsen (Ed.), Methods in the analysis of the deterioration of collagen based historical materials in relation to conservation and storage. Preprints. Advanced Study Course 1999 6-10 July School of Conservation, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts

Publication Date 1999-01
Book Title Methods in the analysis of the deterioration of collagen based historical materials in relation to conservation and storage. Preprints. Advanced Study Course 1999 6-10 July School of Conservation, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.
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