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Solid Supported Reagents in Multi-Step Flow Synthesis.

Baxendale, I.R.; Ley, S.V.


S.V. Ley


P.H. Seeberger

T. Blume


The frequently overlooked benefits that considerably simplify and enrich our standard of living are most often hinged upon chemical synthesis. From the development of drugs in the ongoing fight against disease to the more aesthetic aspects of society with the preparation of perfumes and cosmetics, synthetic chemistry is the pivotally involved science. Furthermore, the quality and quantity of our food supply relies heavily upon synthesised products, as do almost all aspects of our modern society ranging from paints, pigments and dyestuffs to plastics, polymers and other man-made materials. However, the demands being made on chemists are changing at an unprecedented pace and synthesis, or molecular assembly, must continue to evolve in response to the new challenges and opportunities that arise. Responding to this need for improved productivity and efficiency chemists have started to explore new approaches to compound synthesis. Flow-based synthesis incorporating solid supported reagents and scavengers has emerged as a powerful way of manipulating chemical entities and is envisaged to become a core laboratory technology of the future.


Baxendale, I., & Ley, S. (2007). Solid Supported Reagents in Multi-Step Flow Synthesis. In P. Seeberger, & T. Blume (Eds.), New Avenues to Efficient Chemical Synthesis: Emerging Technologies (151-185). Springer Verlag.

Publication Date 2007
Deposit Date Jun 17, 2014
Publisher Springer Verlag
Pages 151-185
Series Title Ernst Schering Foundation Symposium Proceedings 2006-3
Book Title New Avenues to Efficient Chemical Synthesis: Emerging Technologies.
Public URL