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The (In)visibility of Digital Humanites Resources in Academic Contexts.

Pappa, N.; Warwick, C.; Terras, M.; Huntington, P.


N. Pappa

M. Terras

P. Huntington


Chengan Sun

Sabrina Menasri

Jérémy Ventura


This poster aims to determine how easy is to find digital resources for humanities use, and whether links are made to such resources or portal sites (such as Humbul and AHDS) from library and humanities department websites. We have undertaken this task because one hypothesis about low levels of usage of digital resources by humanities scholars is that there is a lack of knowledge about appropriate resources. (Warwick, 2004) Thus if we determine that it is difficult for users to find information or resources, and that digital humanities projects are not promoted within academic contexts, then this would support such an explanation.


Pappa, N., Warwick, C., Terras, M., & Huntington, P. (2006, July). The (In)visibility of Digital Humanites Resources in Academic Contexts. Presented at Digital Humanities 2006: The First ADHO International Conference, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, France

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Digital Humanities 2006: The First ADHO International Conference
Publication Date 2006-07
Deposit Date Sep 5, 2014
Pages 333-336
Public URL
Publisher URL