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On the architecture of high-latitude continental margins: the influence of ice-sheet and sea-ice proceses in the Polar North Atlantic.

Dowdeswell, J.A.; Ó Cofaigh, C.; Taylor, J.; Kenyon, N.H.; Mienert, J.; Wilken, M.


J.A. Dowdeswell

J. Taylor

N.H. Kenyon

J. Mienert

M. Wilken


J.A. Dowdeswell


Dowdeswell, J., Ó Cofaigh, C., Taylor, J., Kenyon, N., Mienert, J., & Wilken, M. (2002). On the architecture of high-latitude continental margins: the influence of ice-sheet and sea-ice proceses in the Polar North Atlantic. In J. Dowdeswell, & C. Ó Cofaigh (Eds.), Glacier-influenced sedimentation on high-latitude continental margins (33-54). The Geological Society

Publication Date 2002
Publisher The Geological Society
Pages 33-54
Series Number Special Publication 203
Book Title Glacier-influenced sedimentation on high-latitude continental margins.
Public URL