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GPS epoch measurements spanning the mid-Atlantic plate boundary in northern Iceland 1987-1990

Jahn, C-H; Seeber, G; Foulger, G.R; Einarsson, P


C-H Jahn

G Seeber

P Einarsson


Jahn, C., Seeber, G., Foulger, G., & Einarsson, P. (1994). GPS epoch measurements spanning the mid-Atlantic plate boundary in northern Iceland 1987-1990. In Gravimetry and Space Techniques Applied to Geodynamics and Ocean Dynamics (109-123). (Gravimetry and Space Techniques Applied to Geodynamics and Ocean Dynamics, Geophysical Monograph 82, UGG, 17)

Publication Date 1994
Pages 109-123
Series Title Geophysical Monograph
Series Number 82
Edition Gravimetry and Space Techniques Applied to Geodynamics and Ocean Dynamics, Geophysical Monograph 82, UGG, 17
Book Title Gravimetry and Space Techniques Applied to Geodynamics and Ocean Dynamics
Public URL