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The palaeoenvironment of Mývatnssveit during the Viking Age and Early Medieval Period

Lawson, I.T.; Milek, K.; Adderley, W.P.; Casely, A.F.; Church, M.J.; Duarte, L.; Dugmore, A.J.; Edwards, K.J.; Gathorne-Hardy, F.J.; Guðmundsson, G.; Morrison, S.; Newton, A.J.; Simpson, I.A.


I.T. Lawson

W.P. Adderley

A.F. Casely

M.J. Church

L. Duarte

A.J. Dugmore

K.J. Edwards

F.J. Gathorne-Hardy

G. Guðmundsson

S. Morrison

A.J. Newton

I.A. Simpson


Gavin Lucas


Lawson, I., Milek, K., Adderley, W., Casely, A., Church, M., Duarte, L., …Simpson, I. (2009). The palaeoenvironment of Mývatnssveit during the Viking Age and Early Medieval Period. In G. Lucas (Ed.), Hofstaðir: Excavations of a Viking Age Feasting Hall (26-54). Fornleifastofnun Islands (Reykjavik)

Publication Date 2009
Deposit Date Aug 30, 2017
Pages 26-54
Book Title Hofstaðir: Excavations of a Viking Age Feasting Hall
Public URL