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From the Gods' Mountains to the Messiah's Glade: Christian Landscapes of Africa and Asia

Miles-Watson, J.; Quiroz, S.

From the Gods' Mountains to the Messiah's Glade: Christian Landscapes of Africa and Asia Thumbnail



J.S. Bielo

A.S. Ron


How do Christians make relationships with land central to their faith? How have the realities of materiality, geography, and ecology shaped Christian territories of belonging and theologies of territory? What social-economic-political conditions surround exchanges between religion and nature? This book explores how Christianity intersects with nature to create unique religious landscapes. Case studies range from the Mormon Trail across the USA completed by thousands every year, to the Catholic devotional cult of and shrine to St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. Contributors examine the entangled forms of agency between nature and culture that are at work as Christians produce, consume, experience, imagine, inhabit, manage, and struggle over formations of land. Focusing on Christian engagements with land forms in the early 21st century, this book advances the spatial turn in the study of religion, contributes to the anthropology of religion and the study of global Christianities, as well as our understanding of the relationship between Christianity, space and place.


Miles-Watson, J., & Quiroz, S. (2022). From the Gods' Mountains to the Messiah's Glade: Christian Landscapes of Africa and Asia. In J. Bielo, & A. Ron (Eds.), Landscapes of Christianity: Destination, Temporality, Transformation. Bloomsbury Academic

Online Publication Date Sep 22, 2022
Publication Date 2022
Deposit Date Dec 7, 2017
Publicly Available Date Mar 22, 2023
Series Title Bloomsbury Studies in Religion, Space and Place
Edition 1st ed.
Book Title Landscapes of Christianity: Destination, Temporality, Transformation.
ISBN 9781350062894
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Jun 1, 2019


Accepted Book Chapter (268 Kb)

Copyright Statement
This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Bloomsbury Academic in Landscapes of Christianity: Destination, Temporality, Transformation on 22 September 2022, available online:

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