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A dental microwear study of pig diet and management in Iron Age, Romano-British, Anglo-Scandinavian and medieval contexts in England.

Wilkie, T.; Mainland, I.; Albarella, U.; Dobney, K.; Rowley-Conwy, P.


T. Wilkie

I. Mainland

U. Albarella

K. Dobney


U. Albarella

K. Dobney

A. Ervynck


Wilkie, T., Mainland, I., Albarella, U., Dobney, K., & Rowley-Conwy, P. (2007). A dental microwear study of pig diet and management in Iron Age, Romano-British, Anglo-Scandinavian and medieval contexts in England. In U. Albarella, K. Dobney, A. Ervynck, & P. Rowley-Conwy (Eds.), Pigs and Humans: 10,000 Years of Interaction (241-254). Oxford University Press

Publication Date 2007
Publisher Oxford University Press
Pages 241-254
Book Title Pigs and Humans: 10,000 Years of Interaction.
Chapter Number 13