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Earthquake Risk Reduction Efforts in Nepal: NSET’s Experience

Dixit, Amod Mani; Shrestha, Surya Narayan; Guragain, Ramesh; Jimee, Ganesh; Dhungel, Ranjan; Pradhan, Suman; Shrestha, Nisha; Acharya, Surya Prasad; Adhikari, Sujan Raj; Bhattarai, Kapil; Ruszczyk, Hanna A.


Amod Mani Dixit

Surya Narayan Shrestha

Ramesh Guragain

Ganesh Jimee

Ranjan Dhungel

Suman Pradhan

Nisha Shrestha

Surya Prasad Acharya

Sujan Raj Adhikari

Kapil Bhattarai


L.J. Bracken

T. Robinson


This chapter describes earthquake risk reduction efforts in Nepal from NSET’s perspective and is co-authored by a team of researchers who have been with NSET since its inception. NSET was established in 1994 with the objective to reduce earthquake risk in Nepal. The usefulness and innovativeness of NSET’s long-term efforts were tested by the Gorkha earthquake, highlighting positive impacts of the risk management efforts in Nepal in the past 22 years. This chapter provides a brief history of NSET’s earthquake risk management efforts in Nepal and sheds light on some of the innovative postulations and methodologies used.


Dixit, A. M., Shrestha, S. N., Guragain, R., Jimee, G., Dhungel, R., Pradhan, S., …Ruszczyk, H. A. (2018). Earthquake Risk Reduction Efforts in Nepal: NSET’s Experience. In L. Bracken, H. Ruszczyk, & T. Robinson (Eds.), Evolving Narratives of Hazard and Risk (15-43). Palgrave Macmillan.

Online Publication Date Feb 22, 2018
Publication Date 2018
Deposit Date Aug 24, 2018
Publisher Palgrave Macmillan
Pages 15-43
Book Title Evolving Narratives of Hazard and Risk
ISBN 9783319652108
Public URL