Nerile Abram
Antarctic climate and environmental history in the pre-instrumental period.
Abram, Nerile; Anderson, John; Bargelloni, Luca; Barrett, Peter ; Bentley, Michael J.; Bertler, Nancy A. N.; Chown, Steven; Clarke, Andrew; Convey, Peter; Crame, Alistair; Crosta, Xavier; Curran, Mark; di Prisco, Guido; Francis, Jane E. ; Goodwin, Ian; Gutt, Julian; Hodgson, Dominic A.; Massé, Guillaume; Masson-Delmotte, Valérie; Mayewski, Paul A.; Mulvaney, Robert; Peck, Lloyd; Pörtner, Hans-Otto; Röthlisberger, Regine; Stevens, Mark I.; Summerhayes, Colin P.; van Ommen, Tas; Verde, Cinzia; Verleyen, Elie; Vyverman, Wim; Wiencke, Christian; Zane, Lorenzo
John Anderson
Luca Bargelloni
Peter Barrett
Professor Michael Bentley
Nancy A. N. Bertler
Steven Chown
Andrew Clarke
Peter Convey
Alistair Crame
Xavier Crosta
Mark Curran
Guido di Prisco
Jane E. Francis
Ian Goodwin
Julian Gutt
Dominic A. Hodgson
Guillaume Massé
Valérie Masson-Delmotte
Paul A. Mayewski
Robert Mulvaney
Lloyd Peck
Hans-Otto Pörtner
Regine Röthlisberger
Mark I. Stevens
Colin P. Summerhayes
Tas van Ommen
Cinzia Verde
Elie Verleyen
Wim Vyverman
Christian Wiencke
Lorenzo Zane
J. Turner
R. A. Bindschadler
P. Convey
G. Di Prisco
E. Fahrbach
J. Gutt
D. A. Hodgson
P. A. Mayewski
C. P. Summerhayes
Abram, N., Anderson, J., Bargelloni, L., Barrett, P., Bentley, M. J., Bertler, N. A. N., Chown, S., Clarke, A., Convey, P., Crame, A., Crosta, X., Curran, M., di Prisco, G., Francis, J. E., Goodwin, I., Gutt, J., Hodgson, D. A., Massé, G., Masson-Delmotte, V., Mayewski, P. A., …Zane, L. (2009). Antarctic climate and environmental history in the pre-instrumental period. In J. Turner, R. A. Bindschadler, P. Convey, G. Di Prisco, E. Fahrbach, J. Gutt, D. A. Hodgson, P. A. Mayewski, & C. P. Summerhayes (Eds.), Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment (115-182). Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
Publication Date | 2009 |
Deposit Date | May 18, 2010 |
Pages | 115-182 |
Book Title | Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment. |
Chapter Number | 3 |
Public URL | |
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