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Interpretative Authority and the International Judiciary

Hernández, G.I.

Interpretative Authority and the International Judiciary Thumbnail


G.I. Hernández


A. Bianchi

D. Peat

M. Windsor


Without a clear delineation of their competences, the indeterminacy latent in international law opens up a powerful normative function for international courts with respect to the interpretation and development of international law. This chapter seeks to identify how international courts work within the system of international law to construct interpretative authority, and the limits within which such a claim is constructed. Making the claim that an essential role of the judicial engagement with international law is to safeguard the coherence of the international legal order, it will conclude with some reflections about the responsibility that ought to be assumed by judicial institutions when exercising normative authority within the international legal order.


Hernández, G. (2015). Interpretative Authority and the International Judiciary. In A. Bianchi, D. Peat, & M. Windsor (Eds.), Interpretation in international law (166-188). Oxford University Press.

Online Publication Date Feb 26, 2015
Publication Date Feb 26, 2015
Deposit Date Mar 5, 2014
Publicly Available Date Jun 14, 2016
Publisher Oxford University Press
Pages 166-188
Book Title Interpretation in international law.
Chapter Number 8
Keywords Authority, Indeterminacy, Interpretation, Judicial function, Normativity.
Public URL


Accepted Book Chapter (275 Kb)

Copyright Statement
This is a draft of a chapter that was accepted for publication by Oxford University Press in the book 'Interpretation in international law' edited by Andrea Bianchi, Daniel Peat, and Matthew Windsor and published in 2015.

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