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Student Politics: Resistance, Refusal and Representation

Raaper, R.; Burke, C.

Student Politics: Resistance, Refusal and Representation Thumbnail


C. Burke


M. Murphy

C. Burke

C. Costa


Social Theory and the Politics of Higher Education brings together an international group of scholars who shine a theoretical light on the politics of academic life and higher education. The book covers three key areas: 1) Institutional governance, with a specific focus on issues such as measurement, surveillance, accountability, regulation, performance and institutional reputation. 2) Academic work, covering areas such as the changing nature of academic labour, neoliberalism and academic identity, and the role of gender and gender studies in university life. 3) Student experience, which includes case studies of student politics and protest, the impact of graduate debt and changing student identities. The editors and chapter authors explore these topics through a theoretical lens, using the ideas of Michel Foucault, Niklas Luhmann, Barbara Adams, Donna Massey, Margaret Archer, Jürgen Habermas, Pierre Bourdieu, Hartmut Rosa, Norbert Elias and Donna Haraway, among others. The case studies, from Africa, Europe, Australia and South America, draw on a wide range of research approaches, and each chapter includes a set of critical reflections on how social theory and research methodology can work in tandem.


Raaper, R., & Burke, C. (2020). Student Politics: Resistance, Refusal and Representation. In M. Murphy, C. Burke, C. Costa, & R. Raaper (Eds.), Social theory and the politics of higher education. Critical perspectives on institutional research (187-197). Bloomsbury Academic

Online Publication Date Dec 10, 2020
Publication Date 2020
Deposit Date Jan 12, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jun 10, 2021
Pages 187-197
Series Title Social Theory and Methodology in Education Research
Book Title Social theory and the politics of higher education. Critical perspectives on institutional research
Chapter Number 12
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Jan 1, 2020


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