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The gift of letters: correspondence between Nergisi and Veysi

Woodhead, Christine

The gift of letters: correspondence between Nergisi and Veysi Thumbnail



Hatice Aynur

Bilgin Aydın

Mustafa Birol Ülker


‘Meeting with you was like being in Paradise.’ So begins the first of three letters written by Nergisi to his fellow kadi Veysi and copied into the second recension of his münşe’at in late 1626 or early 1627. It reflects upon a recent meeting between the two which probably occurred some time in 1625 as Nergisi passed through Veysi’s judicial seat at Üsküb in northern Macedonia on the way to his own posting in distant Elbasan in western Albania. Study of this small group of letters, and the one reply from Veysi which accompanies them, permits further thoughts on the nature, form and functions of early seventeenth-century letters in Ottoman literary correspondence.


Woodhead, C. (2014). The gift of letters: correspondence between Nergisi and Veysi. In H. Aynur, B. Aydın, & M. B. Ülker (Eds.), Kitaplara vakfedilen bir ömre tuhfe İsmail E. Erünsal’a armağan (971-988). Ülke Yayınları

Publication Date Jan 1, 2014
Deposit Date Jun 13, 2014
Publicly Available Date Feb 27, 2015
Pages 971-988
Series Number 2
Book Title Kitaplara vakfedilen bir ömre tuhfe İsmail E. Erünsal’a armağan
Public URL
Publisher URL


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