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Agro-pastoral Landscapes in the Zone of Uncertainty: The Middle Euphrates and the North Syrian Steppe during the 4th and 3rd millennia BC

Smith, S; Wilkinson, T.J.; Lawrence, D.


S Smith

T.J. Wilkinson


D. Morandi Bonacossi


Smith, S., Wilkinson, T., & Lawrence, D. (2014). Agro-pastoral Landscapes in the Zone of Uncertainty: The Middle Euphrates and the North Syrian Steppe during the 4th and 3rd millennia BC. In D. Morandi Bonacossi (Ed.), Settlement Dynamics and Human-Landscape Interaction in the Dry Steppes of Syria (151-172). Harrassowitz

Publication Date 2014
Deposit Date Dec 17, 2014
Pages 151-172
Series Number Studia Charubensia 4
Book Title Settlement Dynamics and Human-Landscape Interaction in the Dry Steppes of Syria
Public URL