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Roman Architecture as Art?

Thomas, Edmund



Barbara Borg


The most influential English-language authority on Roman architecture in the last hundred years consistently emphasized how Roman builders were preoccupied above all with practical solutions to practical problems. The traditional focus on exterior order and proportion was the result of the strong emphasis of architects’ education on geometry. At Rome, the Temple of Trajan appears to have diverged at an angle behind the porticos to the rear of the great spiral column. Around the middle of the first century, a new architecture appeared that challenged the assumption that buildings needed to be bulky to carry artistic weight. Roman architects now began to play with the meaning and versatility of its schoolroom building blocks, the classical orders. In the Roman east, as at Aphrodisias, the earliest marble stage façades of theater buildings had already presented a columnar architecture with anti-classical effects including mixed orders, variety of ornamentation, and broken pediments.


Thomas, E. (2015). Roman Architecture as Art?. In B. Borg (Ed.), A Companion to Roman Art (344-364). Wiley.

Online Publication Date Sep 11, 2015
Publication Date 2015-12
Deposit Date Feb 19, 2016
Publisher Wiley
Pages 344-364
Series Title Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World
Book Title A Companion to Roman Art.
Chapter Number 18
ISBN 9781405192880
Public URL