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Chapter 2: HYDRO-Climate and Water cycle at the Basin Scale

Fowler, H.J.; Gutierrez, A.; Marani, M.; Blenkinsop, S.; Burton, A.; Stollsteiner, P.; Brouyere, S.; Goderniaux, P.; van Vliet, M.; Zanetti, S.; Girard, J.F.; Dautrebande, S.; Baes, D.; Mouvet, C.; Baran, N.; Baltassat, J.M.; Bovolo, C.I.; Bellin, A.; Majone, B.; Zambrano-Bigiarini, M.; Boni, M.; Jouin, F.; Klinka, T.; Janniche, G.S.; Albrechtsen, H.J.A.; Wuilleumier, A.; Gigleux, S.; Banton, O.


H.J. Fowler

A. Gutierrez

M. Marani

S. Blenkinsop

A. Burton

P. Stollsteiner

S. Brouyere

P. Goderniaux

M. van Vliet

S. Zanetti

J.F. Girard

S. Dautrebande

D. Baes

C. Mouvet

N. Baran

J.M. Baltassat

A. Bellin

B. Majone

M. Zambrano-Bigiarini

M. Boni

F. Jouin

T. Klinka

G.S. Janniche

H.J.A. Albrechtsen

A. Wuilleumier

S. Gigleux

O. Banton


M. Finkel

J. Barth

P. Grathwohl


Fowler, H., Gutierrez, A., Marani, M., Blenkinsop, S., Burton, A., Stollsteiner, P., …Banton, O. Chapter 2: HYDRO-Climate and Water cycle at the Basin Scale. In M. Finkel, J. Barth, & P. Grathwohl (Eds.), Advanced Tools and Models to Improve River Basin Management in Europe in the Context of Climate Change. IWA Publishing

Deposit Date Sep 24, 2018
Publisher IWA Publishing
Book Title Advanced Tools and Models to Improve River Basin Management in Europe in the Context of Climate Change.
Public URL
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