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Are NHS stop smoking services reducing health inequalities in the North East of England?

Natarajan, M; Walrond, S; Chappel, D

Are NHS stop smoking services reducing health inequalities in the North East of England? Thumbnail


M Natarajan

S Walrond

D Chappel


The equity profile described in this report is based on the work commissioned by the Smoke Free North East Office. It is intended to inform service commissioners and providers in regional and local tobacco control alliances, Strategic Health Authorities, Primary Care Trusts and North East Stop Smoking Services. The main findings are that: * Six percent of North East smokers set quit dates each year. * A higher proportion of smokers are quitting through these services in the more deprived areas than affluent ones. These services are therefore appropriately targeted to reduce socioeconomic inequalities. * A higher proportion of female smokers are quitting, but this is not statistically significant at 52 weeks; and so services may be contributing to reducing the gender inequality in smoking. * Services are not attracting younger smokers very well and so are not affecting age inequalities. * Smokers from Black and Minority Ethnic groups appear less likely to access services but the small numbers make interpretation more difficult than for other inequalities.


Natarajan, M., Walrond, S., & Chappel, D. (2005). Are NHS stop smoking services reducing health inequalities in the North East of England?. [No known commissioning body]

Working Paper Type Discussion Paper
Publication Date 2005-11
Deposit Date Jan 11, 2010
Publicly Available Date Jan 12, 2010
Series Title north east public health observatory
Keywords Tobacco, Smoking, Equity, Policy.
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Department Name: NEPHO
University Name: University of Durham
Publisher: North East Public Health Observatory
Type: monograph
Subtype: discussion_paper


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