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INGRID: A near-infrared camera for the William Herschel Telescope

Packham, Christopher; Thompson, Keith L.; Zurita, Almudena; Knapen, Johan H.; Smail, Ian; Greimel, Robert; Folha, Daniel F.M.; Benn, Chris; Humphrey, Andrew; Rutten, Rene; Ciardi, David; Bec, Matthieu; Bingham, Richard; Craig, Simon; Dee, Kevin; Ives, Derek; Jolley, Paul; Moore, Peter; Pi i Puig, Marti; Rees, Simon; Talbot, Gordon; Worswick, Sue


Christopher Packham

Keith L. Thompson

Almudena Zurita

Johan H. Knapen

Profile image of Ian Smail

Ian Smail
Emeritus Professor

Robert Greimel

Daniel F.M. Folha

Chris Benn

Andrew Humphrey

Rene Rutten

David Ciardi

Matthieu Bec

Richard Bingham

Simon Craig

Kevin Dee

Derek Ives

Paul Jolley

Peter Moore

Marti Pi i Puig

Simon Rees

Gordon Talbot

Sue Worswick


Packham, C., Thompson, K. L., Zurita, A., Knapen, J. H., Smail, I., Greimel, R., …Worswick, S. (2003). INGRID: A near-infrared camera for the William Herschel Telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 345, 395-405

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2003
Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Print ISSN 0035-8711
Publisher Royal Astronomical Society
Volume 345
Pages 395-405
Public URL
Publisher URL