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Actin- and protein-4.1-containing filaments link nuclear pore complexesto subnuclear organelles in Xenopus oocyte nuclei

Kiseleva, E; Drummond, SP; Goldberg, MW; Rutherford, SA; Allen, TD; Wilson, KL


E Kiseleva

SP Drummond

SA Rutherford

TD Allen

KL Wilson


Kiseleva, E., Drummond, S., Goldberg, M., Rutherford, S., Allen, T., & Wilson, K. (2004). Actin- and protein-4.1-containing filaments link nuclear pore complexesto subnuclear organelles in Xenopus oocyte nuclei. Journal of Cell Science, 117(12), 2481-2490

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2004-05
Journal Journal of Cell Science
Print ISSN 0021-9533
Electronic ISSN 1477-9137
Publisher The Company of Biologists
Volume 117
Issue 12
Pages 2481-2490
Keywords actin; nucleocytoplasmic transport; cajal bodies; nuclear matrix;nuclear pore complex; nucleolus; protein 4.1MAMMALIAN-CELL NUCLEUS; IN-VITRO; BINDING PROTEINS; MESSENGER-RNA;NUCLEOCYTOPLASMIC TRANSPORT; INTRANUCLEAR FILAMENTS; GERMINAL VESICLE;LAEVIS OOC
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