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Cross Listing, Bonding Hypothesis and Corporate Governance

Charitou, A.; Louca, C.; Panayides, S.


A. Charitou

C. Louca

S. Panayides


This paper examines the relationship between cross-listing and corporate governance for Canadian firms, that were cross-listed on US stock exchanges during the period 1997–2003. We find that cross-listed firms have more independent boards and audit committees after the listing relative to a non-cross-listed matched sample of firms and relative to the pre-listing period. Moreover, cross-listed firms experience changes in their ownership structure after the listing. Finally, we provide evidence that the sensitivity of the relation between cross-listed firm valuation with audit committee independence and ownership structure becomes more important after the listing. The results are robust after adjusting for various firm risk characteristics. Overall, the results are consistent with the literature on the bonding role of cross-listings on US stock exchanges.


Charitou, A., Louca, C., & Panayides, S. (2007). Cross Listing, Bonding Hypothesis and Corporate Governance. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 34(7-8), 1281-1306.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Oct 1, 2007
Deposit Date Aug 19, 2008
Journal Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
Print ISSN 0306-686X
Electronic ISSN 1468-5957
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 34
Issue 7-8
Pages 1281-1306
Keywords Cross-listing, Corporate governance, Bonding hypothesis.
Public URL