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Abandoned farms, volcanic impacts and woodland management: revisiting Þjórsárdalur, the ‘Pompeii of Iceland’

Dugmore, AJ; Church, MJ; Mairs, K-A; McGovern, TH; Perdikaris, S; Vésteinsson, O


AJ Dugmore

K-A Mairs

TH McGovern

S Perdikaris

O Vésteinsson


Geomorphological maps and nine soil profiles containing 92 tephra layers have been examined to explore the nature of medieval environmental change in Þjórsárdalur, Iceland, where farms are thought to have been abandoned after the massive tephra fall from the eruption of Hekla in 1104 A.D. We present evidence for continued human activity in the area in the two centuries following the 1104 A.D. eruption, indicating a continued utilization of the region that changed after another major episode of volcanic fallout in 1300 A.D. We propose that measures were taken in the fourteenth century to conserve woodland in Þjórsárdalur that resulted in localized landscape stabilization that continued throughout the following Little Ice Age episodes of climate deterioration.


Dugmore, A., Church, M., Mairs, K., McGovern, T., Perdikaris, S., & Vésteinsson, O. (2007). Abandoned farms, volcanic impacts and woodland management: revisiting Þjórsárdalur, the ‘Pompeii of Iceland’. Arctic Anthropology, 44(1), 1-11.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date May 1, 2007
Deposit Date Dec 2, 2008
Journal Arctic Anthropology
Print ISSN 0066-6939
Electronic ISSN 1933-8139
Publisher University of Wisconsin Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 44
Issue 1
Pages 1-11
Keywords Iceland, Tephrochronology, Abandonment, Landscape change.
Public URL
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