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The All-Wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS) data sets

Davis, M; Guhathakurta, P; Konidaris, NP; Newman, JA; Ashby, MLN; Biggs, AD; Barmby, P; Bundy, K; Chapman, SC; Coil, AL; Conselice, CJ; Cooper, MC; Croton, DJ; Eisenhardt, PRM; Ellis, RS; Faber, SM; Fang, T; Fazio, GG; Georgakakis, A; Gerke, BF; Goss, WM; Gwyn, S; Harker, J; Hopkins, AM; Huang, JS; Ivison, RJ; Kassin, SA; Kirby, EN; Koekemoer, AM; Koo, DC; Laird, ES; Le Floc'h, E; Lin, L; Lotz, JM; Marshall, PJ; Martin, DC; Metevier, AJ; Moustakas, LA; Nandra, K; Noeske, KG; Papovich, C; Phillips, AC; Rich, RM; Rieke, GH; Rigopoulou, D; Salim, S; Schiminovich, D; Simard, L; Smail, I; Small, TA; Weiner, BJ; Willmer, CNA; Willner, SP; Wilson, G; Wright, EL; Yan, R


M Davis

P Guhathakurta

NP Konidaris

JA Newman

MLN Ashby

AD Biggs

P Barmby

K Bundy

SC Chapman

AL Coil

CJ Conselice

MC Cooper

DJ Croton

PRM Eisenhardt

RS Ellis

SM Faber

T Fang

GG Fazio

A Georgakakis

BF Gerke

WM Goss

S Gwyn

J Harker

AM Hopkins

JS Huang

RJ Ivison

SA Kassin

EN Kirby

AM Koekemoer

DC Koo

ES Laird

E Le Floc'h

L Lin

JM Lotz

PJ Marshall

DC Martin

AJ Metevier

LA Moustakas

K Nandra

KG Noeske

C Papovich

AC Phillips

RM Rich

GH Rieke

D Rigopoulou

S Salim

D Schiminovich

L Simard

Profile image of Ian Smail

Ian Smail
Emeritus Professor

TA Small

BJ Weiner

CNA Willmer

SP Willner

G Wilson

EL Wright

R Yan


Davis, M., Guhathakurta, P., Konidaris, N., Newman, J., Ashby, M., Biggs, A., …Yan, R. (2007). The All-Wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS) data sets. Astrophysical Journal, 660(1), L1-L6

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2007-05
Journal Astrophysical Journal
Print ISSN 0004-637X
Publisher American Astronomical Society
Volume 660
Issue 1
Pages L1-L6
Keywords galaxies : photometry; infrared : galaxies; radio continuum : galaxies; surveys; ultraviolet : galaxies; X-rays : galaxiesMULTIBAND IMAGING PHOTOMETER; FRANCE-HAWAII-TELESCOPE; ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI; POINT-SOURCE CATALOGS; DEEP2 REDSHIFT SURVEY; STAR-FOR
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