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Conductivity studies of polyaniline doped with CSA

Holland, ER; Pomfret, SJ; Adams, PN; Monkman, AP


ER Holland

SJ Pomfret

PN Adams


Polyaniline films prepared via the camphorsulphonic acid (CSA)m-cresol solution processing route have been synthesized with doping levels in the range of 10-90%. The electrical conductivity of these films has been measured as a function of temperature between 10 and 300 K. At a doping level of 30% the onset of metallic transport is observed, and at 60% the films are found to exhibit metallic transport down to 135 K, and have a maximum room-temperature conductivity of 300 +/- 30 S cm(-1). The results are modelled in terms of a heterogeneous model of fluctuation induced tunnelling (FIT) and metallic transport.


Holland, E., Pomfret, S., Adams, P., & Monkman, A. (1996). Conductivity studies of polyaniline doped with CSA. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 8(17), 2991-3002

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 1996-04
Journal Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Print ISSN 0953-8984
Electronic ISSN 1361-648X
Publisher IOP Publishing
Volume 8
Issue 17
Pages 2991-3002
Public URL