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Puffins, pigs, cod, and barley : palaeoeconomy at Undir Junkarinsfløtti, Sandoy, Faroe

Church, MJ; Arge, SV; Brewington, S; McGovern, TH; Woollett, J; Perdikaris, S; Lawson, IT; Cook, GT; Amundsen, C; Harrison, R; Krivogorskaya, K; Dunbar, E

Puffins, pigs, cod, and barley : palaeoeconomy at Undir Junkarinsfløtti, Sandoy, Faroe Thumbnail


SV Arge

S Brewington

TH McGovern

J Woollett

S Perdikaris

IT Lawson

GT Cook

C Amundsen

R Harrison

K Krivogorskaya

E Dunbar


This paper reports on the zooarchaeological and archaeobotanical remains from the first season of excavations at the Norse period site at Undir Junakarinsfløtti in the Faroe islands. These remains represent the first zooarchaeological analysis undertaken for the Faroes and only the third archaeobotanical assemblage published from the islands. The excavated deposits are described and the key findings from the palaeoenvironmental remains highlighted within the context of the wider North Atlantic environmental archaeology of the Norse period.


Church, M., Arge, S., Brewington, S., McGovern, T., Woollett, J., Perdikaris, S., …Dunbar, E. (2005). Puffins, pigs, cod, and barley : palaeoeconomy at Undir Junkarinsfløtti, Sandoy, Faroe. Environmental Archaeology, 10(2), 179-197

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Oct 1, 2005
Deposit Date Feb 2, 2009
Publicly Available Date Apr 22, 2009
Journal Environmental Archaeology
Print ISSN 1461-4103
Electronic ISSN 1749-6314
Publisher Taylor and Francis Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 10
Issue 2
Pages 179-197
Keywords Faroes, North Atlantic, Landnam, Zooarchaeology, Archaeobotany.
Public URL
Publisher URL


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